

A lil revenge by my "words"for U
Story start
Once, when I used to live in city,
She used to be my good friend
We had a good friendship relationship
seem like it's gonna last forever,
She is innocent from my sights
but wait, never make mistakes
Not all innocent face seem to be,
what reality is used to be like,
These type of faces mostly fail to recognize because they know how to fool with just a drop of crocodile tears and also very well known
how to play with words

Maybe I'm too innocent and fool
People can easily flipped their words
so easy and making me feel guilty
and putting my images so bad through other perspective,

Maybe we're equally bad in describing
and badmouth each other, after the
friendship broke up,
Being close with her, she fail to read
my behaviour, and pointed out
if my personality doesn't suit her,
It's ok she go according to her perspectives and feelings.

I'm not here to criticise her, a lil
revenge from my words to you
she is islamophobia, she often speak
frown about this issue,
whenever this topic is bought up
but I don't judge her thoughts and
character base on other religious dislikes because it's her thoughts
and judgemental,
that's none of my business,

Back then, staying in your place is kind of troubling, let me say
yes this is my fault,
because I'm too quiet, and I don't speak openly, too foolish,
too disability in understanding
that sometimes people take friend for benefits,

Hey girl,
I remember your messaging me,
asking when my friend should move out from your place, when she visited ghyt for few days, o.m.g you didn't like my people visited your place.
but its ok to have your own people.
Alas! How mean thought you have!
and you did mention this also calling my friend prostitute,
that's such a nasty comments,
people like you having such dirty thought, of course what can I expect from you other than this.
how dirty, how cheap,
Is this your real character?
because I can't read people like you.
pointing bad character to other just because she wear short dress,

you have no right to judge on people
opinions and taste and style
Even you too wear short dress, but I don't comment on your style because I don't have such a creepy thought like you.
you can talked bad about me to Others ,then let me ask!
what about you?
Are you describing yourself a good human being talking bad about me to others?

How liar, you blame me so easily,
You have ask me first to stay at your place, to share room with you when my sister was about to come for her graduation, of course you really did use your clever skill,
if we share the room the expenses would cost less, you did said that.
And I did blindly agree with you.
the expenses would cost less only for you, not for me and my sister.
And later on when dispute arises before I went to your place,
how cleverly you flipped your words that you blame me that I have asked you to share room in your place.
F..k..ho..le, what can i expect again from people like you.
I don't deserve this shit.

I wish, I wish, I haven't deleted the messages you have given me, so that I could have a proof to prove you wrong.
But unfortunately to fought back people like you, always should need a solid proof, but I don't have anymore.
you can easily blame and find fault on me, making me bad towards other is your game.
you can continue play this stupid game.
but for me god is there.
and I strongly believe in karma.

Receiving a friend like you, isn't
so bad and I'm very honest happy
it last for short period when come to
a friend like you because
this experience make me learnt
some lessons.

I laughed, In the end she went back
to that girl whom she oftenly share secret about her with me
Maybe she is doing the same
blah blah about me, when she went back to that girl lol!
you can become the victim by your
innocent face
let me say, if you didn't know about this, if I'm bad person,
you are also equally as I'm,
let's be fair in this game
you and I are same in bad and
maintenance of friendship,

when comes to writing about such type of people like you, I'm insane and
enthusiastic to erase everything from
memories and heart

Honestly, I'm content to release every litter from my thoughts and mind
which makes me stop receiving good and warm FEELINGS

Honestly I do have heavy regret
making you friend in the past,
still it haunt me.

© Ng Sarita jeinao