The Dark Lily
"Kin how is your new home" I received a message from my friend.I replied "Really I love this home so much".My new home was so big.When I stood out I saw a cute girl sitting in the cycle and asked in a strange manner "You have chosen this house to stay?".I just shocked.My mom called me for taking the things to my room.I arranged them all at last sat in sofa and saw my favourite cartoons.I saw from my room window the neighbour was as such my age.She again asked me a question what's my name.I told boldly "Jimkin".And herself Nati.I went to continue the work.Some came inside the home that was my friend Shimtin with his dog Luro at time of enter this dog growled at our home and my girl neighbour she got scared.This dog stayed out.My mom and dad welcomed him.They went out for purchase.We chatted sometime.
Suddenly footsteps were heard from stairs and a gun fire...
Suddenly footsteps were heard from stairs and a gun fire...