

Whispers of The Deceased

In her dorm room, Kayla Sam scribbles on her little diary, writing about her day and her beloved crush, Michael.

Alone and feeling depressed she tosses on her bed and flings her diary in frustration.

“ All I want is to get over with this life. The lonely feeling I have consumes me,no matter how hard I try to make friends it always backfires. Oh my beloved Jesus,why did you bring me to this world?. It would have been better if you never had thought of me.” she says to herself as she covers her face in frustration.

It's another day and it's time to get to lectures. Like a worm Kayla walks slowly,her negative emotions have consumed into a lonely abyss.

She sits at the front seat and watches in sadness as she sees everyone in their respective groups, laughing and talking.

To hide her teary eyes she covers them with a silky black hair until the teacher comes.

“ good morning class.” He says enthusiastically.

“ Good morning sir.” They all reply as they sit on their respective seats.

“ I trust that you are all prepared for today's trip. As medical students you have to be comfortable with seeing dead bodies that's why we are heading to the morgue." The teacher says.

“ Sir,when we get there what exactly are we going to be doing." Michael... Kayla's crush asks.

“ well a family has agreed for us to bisect on their dead grandfather so... I'm assuming that speaks for itself. Well now students...it's time to be on our way,it's going to be a long day." The teacher says with a smile.

Sluggishly Kayla gets up and walks behind the class. Suddenly she starts feeling Nauseous, perhaps the thought of being surrounded by dead people started overwhelming her and filled her with fear.

She puts her hands on the staircase rail for support as she starts filling faint and dizzy.

With a moan she falls down and hits her head hard on the wall beside her.

Luckily, Michael spots her as he turns back. He quickly jumps into action and with the rest of the class they got to her in time.

Kayla bleed profusely at the back of her head and was quickly rushed to the nurses office.

After hours of intensive care she comes back to life. Her head swirls in pain as she slowly opens her eyes.

The red cross sign she sees makes her realize she's either in an hospital or in the schools nurse's office.

“ Thank God you're alive Miss. You had a severe head injury... you're extremely luckily to be alive." The nurse said with a smile.

“ We thank God!” Kayla says wearily.

After a day or two, Kayla was allowed back in class. She felt a little better, better enough to follow the class to their little trip.

They embarked on their journey again. This time she was watched closely by Micheal and his friends.

They finally reached the nearest morgue and sprinted into action. Although while Kayla was waiting outside for her turn to operate,she started hearing little voices.

She turned left and right to identify the source but all she saw was nothing. She heard the voices again, only this time louder and she felt it was coming from beneath her.

She raised her labcoat up and looked down.But all she was the head stone of dead people.

Suddenly the voices became clearer and clearer and all she could hear was “help us!,give us peace!,Give us Peace!!!.

She panicked and ran. She ran across the morgue and tripped on a twig,then she heard another voice. “ help us!.”

She quickly stood up and ran into the morgue were she came in contact with a dead patient.

She shuddered at the sight. Although the patient was dead she could hear little words coming from it's opened mouth.
“ You have crossed the bridge back and forth, something non of us could do. Now it is up to you....to save us.
© Lucky.E