

The Balcony
It's Surya, sharing the story of my Grany's balcony.The most attractive feature of my Granny's house after her, is the balcony itself.

The walls there are brightly painted in floral design. The white and red coloured potted double Rangoon flowers were chained to the lower ceiling.The light green coloured leaves creeping down the pots, trying to touch someone's head made it look adorable. The potted aloevera plants was arranged on the floor in a thin line.There were two large pillars beside the balcony railing which gave a more special look to the place.

  The situation has changed now.Dried creepers had replaced the green leaves and the dead flowers scatter around with every single breeze. Even  the dark green aloevera plants have turned yellow for lack of caring. Definitely no one could care for them like my Granny.

To her they were like children who have been orphaned now .It's difficult to believe that it has already been a week she left us.When I last visited here it was two years ago;the flowers were blooming as lively as granny.

     Fifty years ago my grandparents shifted to this...