

Happy Father’s Day, “Dad”!
18 Jun 2024 at 7:50 AM
18 Jun 2024 at 9:50 AM

Warm greetings on Father’s Day, Dad.
I know you are blessing me from above.

I am standing in the field of bright yellow wildflowers.
I wrap my arms tightly around myself.
I lower my head as if lost in thought.
The sky above me is dark blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds.
In the distance, rolling green hills stretch towards the horizon, creating a sense of vastness and tranquility.
Distressed jeans and a simple white T-shirt are matched with black Converse sneakers to add a casual, approachable feel.

You were my greatest guide and greatest support.
You will forever remain my closest companion.
Dad, I miss you.
Thank you for the strength and courage you instilled in me, "Dad".
I miss every moment of our short time together.
I miss our little conversations and your unwavering support.

When I think of you, I still feel sad like it was yesterday.
Nothing has gone right since you left and I still suffer without you.
Dad, without you, everything I do seems so painful and futile.

You died in your sleep at home at night a year or two after successful heart surgery.
You’re probably around 90 years old.
My adopted brother told me not to go to your funeral because of "Mom" who beat me every day.
I haven't seen you for many years since I ran away from home.
But I’m lucky enough to keep the one and only photo of you and my little son as a memory.
I'm glad you saw my husband and son at the hawker center where you worked.
I know you're happy to see all of us finally.

My adopted brother wore a military uniform when he was 20 years old.
I saw him asking you about his biological parents.
He told me and I congratulated him.
I asked him and his wife to convince you to tell me about my biological parents.
My guess about you was correct, but you refused to say anything to me.
You just lied and said I was adopted from temple near me when I was a baby.
Why did you leave without telling me that you secretly know where my real parents are?
I am an old woman now and I don't need to look for my real parents.

Thank you, Dad, for encouraging me to open up when I was mute all my life.
Thank you for scolding my former teacher in 6th grade on my behalf on my last day.
She was dishonest with me.
It’s too late for her and students to respect me from head to toe.
Look at those bruised arms and hidden bent head. That "mother"...

For six years, my former teachers and students mocked me, criticized me, spread rumors, and said all sorts of bad things about me because the teacher believed "mother’s" sweet lies.
My teacher is unfit to be a teacher.
She is now the principal.
I still despise her.
My ex-schoolmate n I will confront her openly at school one day and let all the current teachers and students know that what she taught at school is a lie and a bad example.

You are no longer with me, but all the things you taught me will always remain with me.
Your absence hurts me the most.
No one can replace you.

I am content with my two loyal deaf friends and my own family.
I am grateful to my late father for listening to my repeated sad story.
Happy Father's Day, Dad!
© 🐝RuthHor

#story #happyfather'sday