

Request of Nature
We all are suffering from this huge pandemic and what's the worst thing is situation is getting worse to worse. This second wave of Covid 19 came with one more fungus which is too dangerous, The fungus called Black fungus.
My message and motive to write this post is to save nature by our daily efforts.

"Your one step can make a huge change."

You can't control the spread of this wave, Just stay in and safe. What you can do is reduce plastic waste, You must be thinking their is covid and she want to reduce plastic now!
Well the reason is, due to covid our disposable masks reached through seas and affecting marine life. And due to use of santizer and packed food plastic waste too get increased.
What you can do is you can create eco bricks to reduce plastic.

∆What is eco bricks and how is helps?
An ecobrick is a plastic bottle packed with used plastic to create a reusable building block. Ecobricks can be used to produce items, such as furniture garden walls and other structures. We have been encouraging people to create eco bricks from plastic bottles and single use plastics for several months.

May you appreciate making eco bricks and sharing this post. And try to use cotton hand made masks in place of disposable masks.


Tag me using #LetsMakeChange if you do spread awareness by your post or activities.

© Agrawal