

Controls Part - 2
We talked about the influence of technology in the lives of children and the controls they have to control in Part 1 and it was very useful to the parents of the children and it was constantly receiving good suggestions from all your readers and for its part 2 Everyone wanted to, so thank you to all my reader friends who read control Part 1 and gave me good suggestions .And through that I am writing Part 2 which you all will like and be useful in life and some better than control Part 1. We will discuss the matter and understand everything and again I am sure that all of you friends will read control Part 2 and give me good suggestions about it. So I will start control Part 2.

Today we see that the craze of technology is very much in children and the age is also of technology and in the age of such technology, only if the father along with the child will learn more and only the father will be with the children at every step in technology. The children will be fully developed. We see that every mother has a dream that her child will be at the forefront everywhere in this age of technology and progress in life and that is why parents spend a lot of money for their children. The father always hopes to do good for the children and make life brighter wherever there is a need.

We see that parents want their children to be very smart and intelligent in life as well as in technology .We want children in today's age to have a mobile phone and a smartphone .We want smartphones. We hear that a child can live without food, maybe not without a smartphone. From an early age, children like smartphones so much that they can't live without a smartphone for a minute. How smart he will be if he uses the same smartphone and pretends to be talking to others with pride. That my child will become an engineer or a big man. From now on, using smartphones will make you smart. Make your children like this too, so that it will happen to others as well. Going too far means that she also gives her child a smartphone and that Hash now has a smartphone with my child so no worries.
But friends, to be honest, the real worry of life starts when our child comes with a smartphone and learns to use it. The child is very fond of mobile from childhood and he cannot keep that attachment for the rest of his life. The child starts seeing the world in the smartphone when he is young and this is the reason why children start to change a lot. I know how to do it but I don't understand it and for that smartphone has been in the blood since childhood.

Giving children a smartphone from an early age can cause them to get lost in it and have some serious side effects. For example, it affects the health of the children, the eyes as well as the violent behavior and obscenity in children. . Pornography in smartphones has a very serious effect on children's conscience, intelligence and morals .And because of this, negative things enter into children and lead them on a different path of life .And mobile games are fun for children. Are playing as a tool. And the companies that make games in mobiles also know that only if I make such a game, children will get intoxicated and our game will run. That is why children forget or stop playing games which are useful in children's life and are useful for their health. We also call these games which are played in the field.

Many of us old people say that it was good that nothing like this happened in our time and the boys who got these smartphones got spoiled or spoiled all the time with such phones. The distance between children and parents is decreasing day by day due to such phone calls. And now, thanks to Telegram and WhatsApp, the work has become much easier. The work that used to be done in the presence of my father is now completed with a message. If so, delete the activity and give it to me. My father or my son makes good use of it but there are many other things happening behind his back in which even my father does not know what happens and what happens.

Then something will happen, so the only condition of my father is that my son did not come, he was very straightforward and very naive, now I don't know what happened, oh my God, my son became like this or came out like this. We have never been able to go the wrong way. How much we have lost our reputation in the society. And worry about either your father or your father or your boys. The whole world knows how your boy is. Don't worry about us, our boys. But without being jealous. Our boy is a piece of our care and very smart and sensible. It's a funny thing. The same ideology of mother and father gives free rein to children and makes them lack understanding in life and useful of life.

We must understand that we are the parents who spoil and improve our boys and we are the ones who show the way to our children in life. If there is a smartphone in the hands of people of old age, they are afraid that it will be damaged somewhere even if they take it in their hand and even if they are holding a smartphone in their hand, they are trembling that the phone is very loud, boy and sometimes even my father does not know the smartphone. To understand and in that they bring a smartphone, sometimes they bring it to the children by looking at someone else, they bring it to my neighbor, they bring my boy too and that is why there is no one to explain or control the boys and they get open permission.

We know that smartphones are not always harmful if parents have sufficient knowledge in children's smartphones or any other technology and they will allow children to use the technology within their knowledge. Smartphones have a lot of positive effects on them and children can go a long way when they see them .And in such life-oriented conversations, smartphones become a blessing in disguise. And many virtues of life can also be learned from a smartphone. And in a way, technology is hardly a thing in life. Which are not used. All the rest of us use technology and our children and we move forward in life which is a very good thing.

And now we finally understand what to consider when using technology and let's talk a little bit. So one of the things is that we first understand and learn what we give our children to use and we understand everything and let our children use anything. And we ourselves should not think that I have no time and my child will learn a lot. Let us know what it was like. All this is the work of today's children, our life is to go to the wood, now we have to learn what to do and now we have to learn in the future. We need to be smart and develop our lives with the children and only after we know and understand anything before the children tell our child or put it to use only then our child and our own will develop well and the future will be better and The right way of life will also be found and we will come to the forefront in every aspect of life and one thing always remember that there is no age to learn in life and good learning is not a big deal so at any age of life always keep learning and move on and teach others and Help us, our children and the lives of others as much as we can and make the life of others better with us and move away from negative bad things towards good and positive life and become ours, our family and ours. Let us make a bright future for all people. And only then will our country truly develop and Mother India will become children in the true sense and we will make the motto of "My India great" in the true sense and make our country the greatest in the world. We will make our mother India proud in the world and be the true grandson of our country and make our country truly, great and truly great in the world.