

The Last Goodbye
During the first two months of the year, everything seemed to be okay. Raghu was able to focus on his work, earn money, and at the end of every week, he used to send some money to his family. He is a daily wage laborer at a construction site. All-day long he used to work hard and at night he stayed in a small room with five other workers. Although his situations weren’t stable but still he used to manage a smile keeping behind all the pain. His son was a final stage cancer patient and this thought kills him from inside. He wanted to stay with his son as he didn’t know how long his son could fight but the situations didn’t permit. Raghu was emotionally strong and never broke down in front of his problems. He knew that the only way to make things better is to stay strong and never give up. Each day of his life used to be similar to the previous one until the arrival of that day from where his life was about to take a turn. That day he got up as usual just to find one of his co-workers standing at the door of his hut with a mixed expression of anxiety, and confusion. When asked, he declared that the government has announced a curfew and no one is allowed to go out of their respective houses. Everyone was standing quiet with curiosity all over their minds as none of them knew the reason for the curfew. That night they all sat to discuss and started making up their own assumptions on the reason for the curfew. But without reaching any conclusion they went to sleep after telling themselves that everything is going to be normal from the next day. But something else was written on their fates. The next morning they woke up, got ready to go for work but as they were about to leave, they saw their supervisor approaching them along with two local cops. They gathered around those three people and started asking various...