

Relationship nowadays
Being in a relationship is like installing an application
First you install it that is you start a relationship with someone and then you know about the features of the application that is you get to know about eachother and then you start loving that application means you start loving eachother and later you start enjoying the application by using it means you start enjoying moments with eachother like going for a date, having a cup of coffee with eachother and spending time with eachother and suddenly there occur some problem with the application that is some misunderstandings between you and that person, but instead of updating that application you don't use that application that means instead of clearing those misunderstandings between you both you start ignoring that person by not talking to him/her. You also ignore the notifications from the application for that problem that is you also ignore his/her requests regarding those misunderstandings, and finally later the application becomes an unwanted storage in your device and so you delete that application which means that you feel that this is an unwanted relationship between both of you and so you breakup with that person