

It is not about you only there are others too
Well its been long I am dealing with so called sensitive people (self claimed) around me and that made me think are we defining sensitivity wrongly just to justify our self centered control freak attitude
Sensitivity is about receiving feelings quicker and better, it is about to empathesize with others, feel their pain their hurt and their situation, it is not about you only its about people around you as well.
Being touchy about everything makes you selfish only, senstivity means being aware of human emotions and understanding the situation better, senstivity is about to feel or see things in detail more than others can do,
In that case your senstivity should make you more understanding towards others, their problems, restrictions, capabilities, backgrounds and their choices
I never understood the kind of sensitivity I had been dealing with people around me who are only concerned about themselves and their own feelings or better to say egos and fancies
     If your sensitivity is all about you, your needs, your likes and dislikes, your idea of perfection, your expectations, your disappointments, your complains, what makes you happy and what makes you upset, you are simply a control freak narcissist.
    Sensitivity makes you kind if that is not happening you need to introspect are you really sensitive or something else??
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