

The Bird That Fell
The bird that loved its freedom and had been flying all its life when it lost the strength in its wings then it swayed and the memories of the place where it lived came back, and the memories of a special tree that was always near her, where she occasionally stopped and flew again to other trees, but that one tree didn't matter to her at that moment, that bird realized the value of her tree late, unlike the other trees that just wasted time with her and admired only the beauty, that tree always laughed when the bird stopped, it was always happy when the bird was also happy, despite the huge burden and the huge pain the bird caused him, that tree was happy and unlike other trees it never let another bird land on it, it persistently chased them, because in this way he would betray his bird that he loved so much, whenever the bird flew away the pain increased more and more, but there was also hope that the bird would understand its value and realize how much pain it was causing him, but the bird with its selflessness was really very selfish, with its goodness it was very bad, so day by day the love stopped, one day the tree told the bird that it could not bear that pain anymore, and that he did not want to see her anymore, the bird laughed and she said that the tree was very selfish and that she accepted his decision, the tree began to wither and dry, he no longer had the strength to chase the birds, he no longer wanted to chase birds away, his love disappeared and with it his loyalty, many years passed and the bird no longer has the same wings served as front and she wanted to rest her wings, but wherever she stopped she was very old and weak and always was chased away, no one wanted to be with her, then the bird remembered her tree and her eyes watered, and she decided to go back but it was no longer the old tree she knew, she stood aside and looked at the birds standing on it then the bird swung for the last time and there was no place to land anymore when it was falling and the memories came back how it felt tree every time she went and landed on other trees, how much that tree loved her, it fell and in the last moments before closing its eyes it just quietly said: Forgive me...

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