

Love is in the air
"What's up with you?" Declan asked his friend Caitlin who was busy staring into space.
"Oh..er..nothing" she answered not so convincing, she looked at his perfectly curved lips that had formed a perfect smile on his handsome face, all the things she had never really noticed before, but for the last few weeks, she had been noticing everything about him. She shook her head lightly, these were thoughts he couldn't allow herself to think, they had been friends for years, that was all.
'This will pass" She told herself, not sure she believed that. The whole thing had come on suddenly, it happened when they had gone out on their usual friend night and were playing crazy golf. He had made her feel special that night, something he didn't make a habit of but that night he was, whether he meant to she didn't know, but for a while it was as if there was only him and her in the world and nothing else really mattered.
"You have to stop thinking like this" she told herself.
"Caitlin...hello...earth calling Caitlin." Declan was saying waving his hand in front of her face.
"Sorry, got a few things on my mind today" She told him
"I'm your oldest friend, you know you can talk to me" he pointed out
"Of course I can, I just don't think you would want to hear this" she told him gently
"Try me"
"No, no it's ok" she answered blushing, she suddenly felt really embarrassed, which was something she never felt around him.
"You got some colour in your cheeks" he laughed, "Oh your blushing...must be a woman thing" he teased.
"Um...I'm not blushing" she protested but knew the easiest thing to do right now was agree, she couldn't tell him how she was seeing him, if he rejected her, when she wasn't even sure how she was feeling she'd never live it down. Right now she needed to figure out if it was a real feeling first, it was confusing her enough at the moment.

"Caitlin your here" he friend announced as she walked into their lecture room, she had decided to re study math as she was really bad at it and had thought she should try to relearn it with a few other subjects.
"Willow hi" she said gently.
"Didn't think you were gonna' come in today, but when I spotted Declan running for his lesson kinda presumed you would arrive"
"Yeah we were just at Mikey's cafe" she stated as if that would explain their lateness
"He's still crushing on that waitress there then" she guessed, the reminder felt like a blow to her chest and all she could do was nod
"I think she thinks he's a weirdo, but just don't know him, she'd be lucky to have him in her life" she answered
"That's not like you to say that, are you feeling alright?" Willow asked her, surprised by the way Caitlin was talking.
"No, not really...if I tell you I need you to swear you won't say a word to him"
"Of course I won't, besides alot of the time I see him, he's late for something so don't really get chance to speak to him." Without giving it much thought Caitlin confessed all to her making her feel a little better having gotten it off of her chest but uneasy at the same time as she had said it out loud now which made her feelings more real.
"Wow I wasn't expecting that" Willow stated.
"Stupid ain't it" she replied now feeling that way
"No not at all, but this is what I think you should do..." Willow started when it was cut short by the lecturer.

Walking back home with Declan felt awkward at first, mainly because she knew she wanted to blurt out how she was feeling and had no clue what he would say or do, she just knew she had never kept anything away from him before and she didn't really want to now.
"Dec' can we go somewhere and talk for a minute?" She asked, spotting Willow smiling over at her giving her the thumbs up, Declan had picked up on.
"Sure, why is she giving you the thumbs up?" he asked completely oblivious to what was going on.
"We had a team building thing in our lecture, it went well" she half lied.
"That girl is really strange sometimes, not your usual type of friend" he pointed out
"I dunno' I hang around with you" she teased he nudged her playfully.
"So, what do you want to talk to me about?" he asked her, she walked him away from the crowds, it would be embarrassing enough if he would reject her, never mind it being in front of a crowd of people.

"There's no easy way for me to say this but I have too, I've never lied to you before or kept anything from you," She started he looked at her worriedly "Don't look so worried it's not a bad thing, it's a feeling thing" she tried to explain
"O...k" he said, even more confused.
"We've been friends for years and I don't want things to be awkward no matter what I still want us to be cool with each other, can you promise me that?"
"Of course I can" he answered.
"Good 'cos I think I'm falling in love with you and I don't want things to be weird" she said really fast not knowing what other way to say it.
"Your what?" he laughed a nervous kind of laugh
"I'm not winding you up, ok, I know it sounds weird 'cos were friends and it's weird for me too, I don't even know where these feelings have come from either." She admitted, he looked at her stunned
"It's not weird, I didn't think I'd ever here you say those words" he said quietly as he walked toward her so he was quite a lot closer to her, "I've been waiting and waiting" he confessed
"Really?" She asked him
"Yes really" he nodded as his mouth met hers and he kissed her passionately. "Come on let me take you on a real date" he said putting his arm around her and leading her away from the campus.

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Written from this prompt:

You are falling in love with your friend. What should you do? Write a story...

Also picture above does not belong to me