

Understanding the importance of growth
Growing really means to uncover those biases and be able to grow from within!

At times of misery, we fail to realize that we need to love ourselves. How stupid of us to think that those temporary problems are bigger than our existence? Is our life bound to that problem solely? of course not, but do we get a chance to realize that in our flow of emotions? Think again!

We often come across many situations which make us realize that "Oh, I am not great!", " Oh, this is miserable and I am draining out!", or worst part, "Oh, What a terrible life am I leading!" And many more to make us feel shit about our existence but let me ask you something. Imagine a situation where you have done something great for someone and the smile on their face makes you feel the most blessed person on this planet, Isn't it? Or take for instance your favorite food! I am sure thinking about that is already creating exciting and of course craving towards it😋! These feelings make you feel the best and its ok to take the pride for it you know😉

As I said, we often fail to realize that, life is beyond our worries and sorrows and all this is a part of life which in any way would pass.

I've come to learn and realize that life happens best when it is not centered around beings, objects, and things around us, but what happens within us. It is only when we grow inwardly do we change and embrace the outer reality for what it truly is and not what we make of,
Through the prism of our minds

Happy learning