

"When the bough breaks"
#HappyFriendshipDay #WritcoStoryPrompt54
Your best friend in the world calls you and tells you a secret that changes your friendship forever. Write a story in the conversation and the aftermath.

It was a very quiet and still night ,when Janet called .
Was so happy to hear from her ,but what she told me destroyed our love and friendship forever.

My name is Joan ,I am married with two teenage sons .
We are a very happy family and Janet has been my childhood friend ,and eventually my sons' God mother .
She always spent holidays with my family anytime she came to Ghana on her holidays from the United States where she resides with her mother and siblings,she has never married but has two sons ,never met their Father.

Janet and my husband Mark have a great relationship,which made me very happy to have my dearest pals get along so well.
I never looked through their friendship ,to me it was genuine and I trusted both of them.

Some months before the call,Janet sent pictures of her sons so we see how well they were growing ,my younger son exclaimed"Mum,don't Aunt's sons look like us?
He and his brother?

Mark and I laughed over the remark and didn't think much of it .
Later in the night when everyone was in bed ,I took the picture and looked at it carefully.
True, Janet's sons looked like my boys ,who looked more like their Father.
My mind started asking alot of questions .
Did Janet have an affair with my husband to have her sons?
Are Janet sons really my husband sons ?
I went to the bedroom and woke my husband up and asked him if he and Janet had an affair .
The question caught him off balance and couldn't answer for a while.I left him with his thoughts.
Decided to call Janet in the morning and get to the bottom of the story.
As I was about to drift into deep sleep ,my cell phone beeped ,it was Janet .
She started with the pleasantries and said she has a secret to tell me ,a secret that has haunted her for years .
Janet my childhood and bosom friend told me she had been in a relationship with my husband ,and her sons are my husband's .
I woke my husband up and put the phone on loud speaker ,and asked Janet to repeat all that she said .
She did and my husband admitted it .
Am still married to my dear Mark and he has the duty to tell our sons about their siblings.
I lost a good friend.,but I still have my family .though the betrayal of my two favorite persons will be in my heart forever .
Forgiveness is easy but Forgetting takes a Life Time.
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