

Episode 1.

"I really love connecting with spirit filled people like you Jane", Adams said as he sips the wine gulping to the great taste. I stared at his handsome face covered with dark curly beards. This was our first date and I'd say I really felt the connection already but my heart did not stop tripping in fear,covered by couple of questions,could he be the one? will it finally workout with him? or I should just be the usual me,friend zoning guys, both interested and non interested ones.
He dropped me off my place and being so gentle,turned immediately to leave after giving a beaming goodnight smile,I felt there was something else missing, it's really a cool date night,blind one per se, as they've always been from the social media..quite risky.
Adams?, I called out, he turned back and I gave a grin, Jane you're so beautiful,he said coming closer as I already imagined,a hug would not be bad to call it a night with a cool guy like you,he did, hopped into his car and drove off.
Thoughts filled my mind like the clouds covers the sky,blue and I can't wait to just sleep off today's moments.
"we belong to the light,we belong to the thunder!!" .... my phone ringing, Hello! Jane...shit! bad timing, James please not tonight, I hung up...

Episode 2....coming soon....