

Some Stories
Some Stories
Are Available To Read
Some Stories
Are Built-in, It Dies With Them

We Read Some Stories That Catches Our Eyes, To Keep An Eye On Them, To Read.

At The Same Time, We Forget To More Beautiful & Interesting Stories, To Read.

It Happens, With All & Its Not Any Mistake But As, A Reader, We Should Keep Our Eyes Everywhere To Read & Know Others Vision Too.
Here everyone writes Based on their Thoughts and what they Experience in life. Good.

I see Many writes Their own life's Story, that's Good because it Gives relaxation to Mind but Please do Not let Others to Enter in your Personal life.

Write with Two things keeping in Mind

1. No Spelling Mistakes
2. Do Not Use Edit Option
These two will Make you to give the Perfect writer's Experience.

Choose widely Available topic To write, Do not write like Anything to Post for Reader's to read.

Keep writing To let your Thoughts to Reach Globally.

© Gautam K Vasu #EasternMansoon