

The Haunting of Hollowwood Manor
It was a crisp autumn evening when Sarah, Jason, Lisa, and Mike gathered at Hollowwood Manor, an ancient mansion shrouded in mystery

. The grand halls were adorned with cobwebs, pumpkins, and flickering candlelight, casting eerie shadows on the walls.Sarah, the hostess, exuded excitement."Let's make this the spookiest Halloween ever!"

she declared, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.Jason, always the joker, chimed in, "You got it, Sarah.

I brought the scary movies!"They settled in, armed with popcorn and a collection of horror films, ready to brave the chills that awaited them.

As the night wore on, a peculiar sound echoed through the mansion, originating from the depths of the basement. Lisa and Mike exchanged nervous glances."Did you hear that?" Lisa whispered.Mike nodded, his voice trembling, "Yeah, let's go check it out."With flashlights guiding their way, they descended the creaky staircase, uncertainty hanging in the air.

The basement was a labyrinth of forgotten artifacts and dusty relics. Suddenly, a figure materialized before them, ethereal and foreboding."Who dares disturb my slumber?" the figure's voice boomed.Lisa's scream pierced the stillness, echoing off the cold stone walls."We... we didn't mean to!" Mike stammered, his heart pounding.

To their astonishment, the figure let out a hearty chuckle."I'm just messing with you! Welcome to Hollowwood Manor!" it exclaimed, its tone now jovial.Relieved but still trembling,
Lisa and Mike hastily made their way back upstairs, their hearts racing from the encounter.Back in the living room, Sarah and Jason shared a conspiratorial grin."You two fell for it!" Jason teased.

Laughter erupted, filling the room with a mixture of relief and amusement.

As the night pressed on, the friends gathered around, sharing spine-tingling tales and relishing in the eerie ambiance that Hollowwood Manor provided.

When the clock struck midnight, they ventured outside, the moon casting an otherworldly glow upon the scene."That was the best Halloween party ever!"

Mike exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with adrenaline.Lisa, still catching her breath, added with a laugh, "Yeah, thanks for the scare, Sarah."Sarah beamed, her satisfaction evident. "Anytime, guys. Until next year!"With reluctant farewells, they dispersed into the moonlit night, leaving

Hollowwood Manor behind, its ancient halls echoing with the memories of a truly spooktacular Halloween.

© Piaa