

A Flick
The diamond necklace on the mannequin looked familiar. She placed her palm on the window that separated them and leaned in closer. In a flick of the moment, the necklace vanished from the mannequin which left her astounded and puzzled. Before she could realise what and how it happened, she was surrounded with the security guards, apprehended for supposedly robbing the diamond necklace.
She was taken to the precinct hancuffed and was distressed by the situation.
Few hours later, she was summoned by the police officer to take her statement, the officer was continuously inquiring her about the robbery but she stood frozen and kept mumbling something. No one could comprehend her words, it seemed as if she spoke totally assorted words. The police could no longer inquire and was thus taken into custody until they figure out the language she spoke. Next morning, a reputed police officer called a therapist in the precinct to analyze the condition of the girl but it was a pointless visit because even she couldn't understand anything, so she was escorted by the junior officer. Later, someone in the precinct came up with an idea to look for some ancient languages which could act as a helping hand for the case. Surprisingly, they did find something relatable...