

Point out...
The pain you feel is never compared with anyone else's, yours is either more serious or less than the other, but at the end of the day they are all pain and they hit differently because actually there are different people on this, it's all pain, what do we do anyway, everyone faces their own issues unless it can be faced with someone else, which is rare, we pick what can and fight whatever it is, if you go about pointing out the issues will they ever get solved, give it the best shot you can and let the rest work out as it should, remember only one person understands why all that is on you, and in every pain you should acknowledge that maybe it is preparing you for something great coming, one never just suffers forever in their lives, you go through things that happen differently ever day of your life, Every single thing should be done at the right time, if it gets late it might come maybe with the advantage or disadvantage it has.
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