

Maisie Now
Maisie is now eight months old, she's a Chinese crested, terrier cross., once upon a time she would have been classed as a mongrel, we will not breed her as she will be spayed in September
She is the youngest but likes to think she is in charge.
She's so scruffy but very loving, she's my shadow. If I go out without her she cries.
She loves to eat, almost anything but she's started to get a bit yappy, not a good quality but her sister baby puts her in her place, we have five dogs of which she is the youngest, she loves to cuddle up and sleep, I would never have considered owning a dog or cat but I wouldn't be without her now, we have five dogs and three cats, the things we do for love.

# The pet files
© The Imposter 💚🙏