

Letter written by the Princess
August 21, 1971
Rungfei Palace, Fengwai Courtyard.

Dear Sir,

Could you still remember this Princess's sixteenth birthday? That day, when my Imperial Sister pushed me into the pond and I don't know how to swim; you accidentally stumbled upon the scene, thus you were able to save me in time. When you reached out your hand, I thought time stopped and even my heartbeat skipped a second when I vaguely saw your eyes looking at me. Instead of being afraid of death; I felt happy.

Isn't there a saying; death is beautiful if you're with someone you love?

I admit, I fell in love the first time we met. I know it is silly. Also I know that the beautiful moment I've treasured were also your nightmare.

You have touched this Princess, thus you needed to take responsibility— that's the rule.

I am happy but seeing your grave look, my heart dropped on the ground and it broke into pieces, yet instead of picking it, you've stomped on it until it bacame dust which the wind carried away.

Days passed by and our marriage were filled with your resentments and my bittersweet happiness. You took your beloved as your Concubine, while I was called, “The Neglected Wife”. I am sure lucky to be able to survive those days: seeing you being intimate with her, hearing you whispers sweet words and declaring your love for her in public, and the way you two make me feel like I am a living ghost or perhaps a wind that you could not see.

I don't know who was at fault. Is it me for being stupid to fall into the tricks and schemes of my Imperial Sister or you, who still tortured me in our marriage by your own ways to make me feel sorrowful, broken and dead? Making me wanted to wish that I should have just died in that pond, instead of being saved by you.

Nevertheless, I am sorry to disappoint you, my dear. I have no regrets of falling into the pond and also falling in love with you even if it means that; I admit, it was all my fault. I am the villain in your story and I deserved to die.

Moreover, even though I love you so much. I won't make it too hard for you because I can't endure seeing your crestfallen face whenever you see me.

Husband, I put my last gift with the divorce papers under the bed of our room. The place that you didn't even throw a glance.

The gift under this letter is a gift for your son. I wish him to be successful someday and to have a peaceful and happy life. Please do tell him my apologies for being not able to fulfill my promises for him, that I love him regardless of being not mine.

I don't resent you, neither your beloved. The last gift was below your study table, I am sorry for scattering them in different places. You know, I have the habits of hiding things in different places in order for no one to find.

However, an irony that I didn't hid my heart properly, thus it was stolen by you. Or did you even wanted to have it?

I love you, Sir. No matter what, regardless of, and nevertheless of everything. I wish you your happiness.

“If there is another life, will you be able to accept and love me?”

Sincerely ,
Princess Ri Sha.

#princess #marriage #letter #letgo
© Trisha Ancuna