

1/3 - LHWAM
[The picture isn't mine, nor the title.
I just liked the quote too much, credits for that 😗]
- 657 Words -


LHWAM: Loving Him Was A Mistake

They met in a library, a fine library at that.

She fell for him,
Waiting, Hoping, Praying...
For him to love her.

Days that turned into weeks,
February 28,
The day he confessed his love to her.

How she felt the fireworks, the butterflies, everything that is currently going on that she has no control about.

She fell head over heels to him,
He somehow made it look like he was head over heels to her.


A memory she was gonna be keeping forever, but is now despising,
is now cursing at.

How he deceived her,
How he used her.
She felt so stupid for even believing him.

How, loving him was such a mistake.