

Lock if a Heart ❤ \Chap: 8//
Col reached across the table and held both of my hand.. We both looked to the floor and blushed. Then people started to stare at us.. We instantly pulled our hands away.. Could he acually like me..? "Let's look at the time to see when the firework show is starting." Col said. Heh that was kinda awkward.. I was trying to figure out why he would ask me to go to Home Coming with him... he could have asked one of the popular girls at our school.. "Oop- looks like it will start at 12:00 and its... 11:45 right now..." Col said. "We better go now heh!" I screamed. "Okay lets go Rena!" We ran to the Cinderella castle. And we finally got there. "Phew we are finally here in time!" I said with surprise. it was finnally 12:00 and tue fireworks were going off. "I'm so glad you took me here." Col said. I can't believe he acually is happy for where I wanted to go. Usually when I had friends.. They always hate where i wanted to go, Maybe I could trust Col! "Yeah i'm glad your hear with me.." I said. Wait did i just say that? Col smiled. "*Ya__wn*" I yawned. "You tired heh." Col said with a smile. The music and the fireworks played while me and Col sat there in silence. Col came closer to me and said "Here you can lay on me of you want.." Should I... I kept on thinking what would happen if Col found out what i did in my past..? I layed onto his shoulder and said nothing. Col put his arm around me while I was laying on him. "Your really nice... your the nicest person I ever ment." Col said. "You know... Your my only friend... Right?" I asked. "Really?.. I expected for you to have a lot of friends.." Col said. "Well i consider you as my only real friend." He said. I smiled, why would he want to be friends with me.. I guess he's the only one who doesn't know about my.. Past... Col leaded more close to me and gave me a hug. I can still smell that scent and how warm he is... It just makes me feel so comfortable.. "Here its gonna close soon so lets head out." Col said. "Okay.." I yawned. "Do you... want me to carry you...?" He asked.. I guess he could im pretty tired. "Here ill give you a piggy back ride haha, your pretty short anyway!" He laughed. He leaned down and I jumped onto his back. "Okay ill drop you when we get to the parking lot." "*Ya__wn*, okay.."I said. We finally got to his car.. and i was already asleep, I mean a little i guess hehe. He sat me in his car and took off he coat and put on me. I really blushed when i did that! We finally got to my house and he asked "You awake.?." I was half asleep okay! I didnt want to wake up. "Hold on one sec ill be back." He sad sofly. he walked to the front door and knocked.. "What is he doing?" I thought. My mom answered!!! "Uh hello?" She said.