

Bridge Street.
Chapter 10 - Joyride.

The small group are sneaking down a side alley between two walls that belong to big brand shops, they come out from the alley, at the entrance of the Grafton shopping center, they have to be extra sneaky not to spotted by a Z because they are now deep in their new territory. A snarl in exchange for words every time the Z’s bump into each other. George followed by the others are stealthy walking through the shopping center entrance, they steadily walk past the body with the squashed head, into the shopping center via the other entrance, that is beside. They are not long through the entrance undetected, but unfortunately they can be as sneaky as they want, but they cannot hide their human scent. Which a snarling Z has just picked up from them, he sniffs the air after sees them venturing through the other side of the automatic glass doors. The Z runs limping towards them, but doesn’t wait for the automatic doors to reopen, so the Z just plows through the glass door, that should be bullet proof but I don’t think it is, as the shards of glass shatter outwards, slowly followed by the Z, slow motion as both explode after drop to the floor, this alerts the small group which are at the toilet stair entrance, they start to jog away to find a place to hide, but what is unbeknown to them, it has also alerted the small hoard outside to start to chase after them.
As they are running through the shopping center, dodging bins, some shops haven’t got their shutters down, with lights still on. The rest running ahead of George, that side steps a grey shopping center bin, after skidding around the corner, nearly clambering into a shops display window, I swear he was that close even the sexy dressed mannequins nearly flinched. He is quick to quietly call the others back because he has spotted something. As the others stop jogging, looking back to see George waving them back, because through the shops display is a slit, that he is peering through to see, a lady with her tits out, fingering herself, only joking my friend it’s two Zs banging on a white office door.
George whispers “Come on, they will be closed.”
Adam tries to whisper back but not sure why he tried, his voice is deep like the core of this very earth, with every decibel saying “I think it’s too late, it is like a ghost town.”
George responds “Yeah alright, voice! Tone it down, look.”
He points to the two Zs, still trying to get into the office door, fuck knows how they didn’t hear Adams voice. A clothes shop is Next to a cookie shop. Three casual dressed mannequins each side of the open shops entrance. Now I am telling you this because you will see my friend, the group of five are interrupted by the small hoard of Zs that are rushing through the shopping center, as they spill around the corner, turning back to see the five humans have disappeared. The small hoard come rushing through turning round the corner towards the cookie shop, after turning again after going to explore the rest of the shopping center. The two Zs that was banging on the office door are now joining the hoard, which isn’t good for anyone that comes into contact with the brain suckling dickheads. George’s breath is released from his lips, as his eyes check to see if the coast is clear. Let me draw your eyes out so you can see the bigger picture, the five of them was posing as mannequins in the clothes shop Next to the cookie shop. They all have funny poses, with the actual mannequins laying at their feet.

Back to the bus depot, where the two lads are sitting, an exhale of smoke mixed with the cold nights air from the first lads mouth, as he drops the finished spliff to the floor, his buddy notices the bus doors is open.
The first lad is Jerry, his mate is called Tomas.
Jerry says “I wonder if the keys are still in the ignition.”
Tomas response is “There is only one way to find out.”
They both stand up to go check out the bus.

Back to the group putting the casually dressed mannequins back upright. Adam laughs out loud as he puts his one in a striking pose, George puts his ones index finger up-to its nostril, on the other hand is the middle finger fully erected, pointing outwards. After they climb out from the display area.
George says “Let us go check out what the Zs was banging the door for.”
They all walk further into the shop, passing cloths racks, towards the office door at the back..

Why don’t we go see what the other two are doing, Bobby taking a swig of water, from a mineral spring somewhere in a secret mountain, of course it isn’t tap water they wouldn’t lie, pull the wool over anyones eyes. Anyway back to it my friend this story won’t tell itself, Bobby puts the cap back on the water bottle.
Tracy while putting her half eaten chicken salad sandwich, on the packaging.
She asks “Do you think this has over spilled?”
Bobby responds saying “I hope not, I have a family. I just want us to survive this night, with daylight it will be better to assess the damage.”
Tracy just about to respond but they can hear some noise getting closer with every millisecond that is passing. The small hoard comes speeding around the corner, some splattering into the shops windows, like insects hitting a speeding car, looking back to the table the pair are sitting at, is now empty with the wooden coffee shop chair rocking. Their rubbish still on top of the table, as the hoard is passing through, if it’s in their way it is getting wrecked.

In the meantime at the sniper tower. Mr Officer is looking down the scope, inspecting the wall, stopping any Zombies that are trying to get to any of the winter fair workers, that are inside. A pair of armed police officer are going to the closed entrance, covering each other’s backs. The entrance is quickly opened to let the pair in, a couple of seconds pass with the illuminating lights being switch off. A voice comes over the snipers radio saying “Keep a look out, especially around the wall.”
As the last bit of the voice over the radio is speaking, there is gunshots, that the sniper sees through his scope, bullets tearing through the skull of an approaching Z. He looks around the wall but only seeing dead Zs laying around, blood seeping from their wounds. The sniper stops looking for a second, having a swig from his drink that was on the ledge. While he takes in the beauty of the town centre, he spots something turning around the corner. He looks through his scope to get a closer look, it’s a fucking bus being driven by someone.
The sniper radios over to the police officer below asking “Why are the buses still running?”
A voice comes back out from the police radio saying
“It is four in the morning, they should not be.”
The sniper looks again through his scope following the bus, trying to get a closer look at who is driving.

Going on the bus with Tom, as high as a kite taking the bus for a drive around, with Jerry coming down the stairs after checking the rest of the double decker out for people, but clearly not finding nothing. The window wipers are clearing the snow.
Jerry says “Everything looks clear bro.”
As he picks up a free newspaper that the bus company provides, flicking through the pages.
Tom calls back “Happy days brother, I wonder why the keys was left in the ignition, without the keys being taken with him or her, I am not sexist.”
Jerry responds asking “Fuck knows, but I am glad it was because how many times do you get to take a bus for a spin around town?”
Jerry puts the newspaper back after joins Tom at the front, holding onto the metal bars, for folks to move around the bus, like a monkey swinging from branches, as the wheels goes over a sleeping policeman. If you don’t know what a sleeping policeman is then search it, educate yourself please. As Tom accelerates going down this tight road, every so often bumping over a sleeping policeman.
Tom responds saying “That is true, apart from if you’re a bus driver then nearly everyday.”
Jerry nods as he is looking through the big window. As the bus turns right round a hotel corner.

The two police officers are inside of the winter fair, sitting down at a table while the lady of the fair, a hefty woman hands them a cup of tea. The man of the fair with grubby fingerless gloves on, blowing the steam from his hot cup of char, after taking a slurp.
The man asks saying “The dead has come back to life you say?”
The Mexican police officer takes his hat off, after puts sugar in his hot cup of drink.
After the officer responds saying “That is exactly what my partner has just told you, you will have to secure this place.”
The English police officer asks “Where’s your toilets?”
The lady says “We have a portable one, that’s behind our caravan.”
The English police officer asks “Thanks, you don’t mind?”
The man of the fair responds saying “Help yourself, Officer.”
After he gets up to go there.

The bus turns the corner, running into a male Z, he was smartly dressed, I would presume he was on a night out with friends. Slowing this down to see the full force of the front of the bus crashing into the Z, with the lads expressions that are inside of the bus. Tom slams on the brakes but it is too late the damage is done as the dead Z rolls away while the bus comes to a emergency stop. Tom presses a button that opens the bus doors, Jerry is quick to get out, so he can make sure the person is alright. Unbeknown to him or both of them that a Z virus has spread. A gunshot sounds on the tranquil night soon after, Jerry is quick to run back into the bus.
While panicking shouting “Drive bro! Fucking drive!”
His urgency sparks Tom into action, as he puts the bus in gear after quickly drives off.
Tom asks “What happened?”
Jerry trying to calm his nerves by taking brown tobacco pouch along with rizla also filters from his dark blue coat pocket, he is trembling trying to roll himself a smoke, as he is explaining what happened..

So let me show you what happened as soon as Jerry steps off the bus. He starts looking around to see where the body is, but at first can’t see nothing, only tire marks in snow until he hears scraping, the Z comes crawling round the corner. Half of its face rotten off, legs looking like they have been Roy Keane tackled. Jerry is too focused on the Z crawling on the floor to notice another Z that is slowly prowling towards the stunned Jerry. Slowing it down to see, a bullet bursts out from the strolling Zs forehead, which snapped Jerry back to the land of living, because it wisps past his ear. Well the rest you know because he didn’t stick around, to find where bullet come from.

The English police officer is unlocking the portable toilets door after finishing his piss, he starts walking towards the four bed caravan, creamy complexion. Cream net curtains that stop full visibility into their home. The police officer is adjusting himself dusting off his heavy black bullet proof vest. He walks up to the caravan windows, Being nosy he peeks in, to see a lad in his mid-twenties sprinkling a powder substances over candy floss, after repackaging them to sell for children to consume or even adults. This is what grabs his eye but what really grabs his attention is faint knocking coming from inside a red shipping container, you know the big ones they have at the docks, well there is one not far away from the portable toilet. The police officer goes over to it, placing his ear beside he hears…
A faint female voice from inside asking “Can you let me out please Mr? I need toilet.”
The English police officer quickly looks around to see if he has been spotted, but he has not been so he decides to….

The police officer arrived back to his partner, that is speaking with the fair owners, a married couple.
The Mexican police officer asks “Is it just you two?”
The deserted shut down rides lay dormant around the fair ground, during the day they bring joy to all the kids.
The man puts his cup down on the table, as he responds saying “No our son is in our caravan.”
The English police officer is typing something on his mobile.
The Mexican police officer asks “Is it just you three that run this place everyday?”
The woman is just about to respond but her husband beats her to it by saying, “No we have another family that help out, but they have needed to go out of town, family emergency.”
By the looks of it he wanted to cover up a secret, my bet is that they use locals to avoid certain laws.
He puts his phone on his partners lap, the Mexican police officer glances down to read the message written in text form, after looks up at the couple while the English police officer takes his mobile back.
The Mexican police officer asks “You don’t mind if we take a look around, you know just so we feel safe.”
The mans response is to say “Of course you can look around Cuntstable.” ( I know it’s not the correct spelling.)
The owner agree so they don’t look suspicious.

Bobby is with Tracy still, both are hiding behind the coffee shop counter, having just heard a noise. Not knowing if it is the hoard coming back but they are soon to realize it isn’t because of whispers, that is coming from the small group that George is apart of. Slowly Bobby hunched over the counter, to see George is speaking with a pretty blond haired lady, that is dressed in retail attire, she was the one that was hiding in the office. The others are following behind, making sure they are observant so no Z or Z’s get the jump on them, Tracy sitting on the floor beside Bobby’s leg.
“We should check Costalot over there to see if there is a drink or food or both, I am not fussy.” Adam whispers.
They head over there to Costalot as Bobby kneels back down behind the counter, whispering into the ear of Tracy “Stay still, don’t know the intentions of these people.”
Tracy nods as the group come over to fridge to take what they need. George lights a cigarette while taking a seat as others join him. Bobby looking around the ground to find anything he can use as a weapon, his eyes dart on to an clean but chipped Costalot mug, you know the big ones, maybe your drinking out of it now, well when they open back up, that has the coffee café logo printed on its side, he grabs ahold of gripping it tightly, poised at any second to strike.
© Homeslice19