


The mirror loomed over them as they traversed the hallways of the abandoned mansion. It was rumoured that no one came out alive from it. They wanted to discover what really happened. Suzanne, Johnny, Garrett, and Isabella were determined to explore this mansion. Their reflections in the mirror were twisted. Isabella was spooked. Johnny just laughed and said, "come on guys, let's go this way". They followed him upstairs to a room with a red door. They each got goosebumps. Once they opened the door, three bats flew out the window. Suzanne gasped. There was old books on the floor, candles, and a Ouija board. It looked like someone played this game maybe seven years ago. They walked to the other rooms. Each room was creepy, dusty, and unique in it's own way. Garrett said, "I'm hungry, anyone bring any snacks?". Suzanne just laughed and gave him a Milky way midnight bar. They went outside and found a mysterious lake and garden in the backyard. This garden and lake was so spooky, magical, and spectacular at the same time. Isabella soon fell into a swamp. She almost disappeared. Johnny, Garrett, and Suzanne were quicker than that swamp though. They ran to their car as quickly as possible. It started to rain and thunder.
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