

"The City of Dreams"
In the not-too-distant future, humanity had reached a level of technological advancement that allowed the manipulation of reality through dreams. A visionary architect named Leo, known for his ability to turn abstract ideas into tangible structures, received an extraordinary commission: to build the City of Dreams, a place where people's desires and aspirations could materialize.

From day one, Leo immersed himself in the project, surrounded by holograms and screens showing concepts of floating cities, glass gardens and streets that changed shape depending on the mood of their inhabitants. However, he soon realized that the diversity of dreams was much more complex than he had anticipated. A group of artists wanted a vibrant and chaotic environment, full of colors and shapes that defied logic.

Meanwhile, a group of scientists longed for an orderly city, with laboratories and research spaces that encouraged innovation. Dreamers of tranquility asked for quiet parks and serene lakes, while adventure lovers wanted roller coasters and extreme sports around every corner.

Leo decided to organize a series of workshops where future inhabitants could share their dreams and visions.

However, each session became a spectacle of...