

chapter one
I couldn't bear the shame to my family. so I just packed my bags never looking back, what would they think if they new that there own daughter would fallen in love to a creature that they never approved off. What in there mind would they understand.

I slam my bedroom door heading down the stairs my little sister tungging on my shirt telling me not to go but I just look at her as i pushed her gently to the side left my home and never return again. That's what I thought until five years later, I had to return to attend my mother's funeral.

What is my family hiding from me. What happened to my own mother. what secrets are they trying to keep to themselves, I needed to know. "What happen to u mother. what did they done to you, You were healthy wemon", looking at her grave.

I was looking around for my father, when my sister came up to me,"sis where's dad, I haven't seen him yet", my sister said with a concern voice. "I don't know Emma, he will show up so don't you worry", I smile at her.

My sister went to her friends because she couldn't bare our mother passing. I turn on the TV because I was frustrated not knowing where my father was. Where could he be at the time like this?

I exit the living room, I took a glance seeing this man that I new from school. I wonder what he doing here, but that can wait for another time. I have to look for my father. I go to the Master house all I called hear was screams cumming up from the master bedroom, I ran up the stairs I wad panting from the running, I burgeed into my parents bedroom, my eyes was in horror.

I closed the door before my little sister bards in, I started to call nine one one after the call everyone could hear sirens going off. what's going on. I now have two bodies to put in the ground one my father and his mistress.
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