

I want to share my experience in India, most beautiful country I have seen ever. We can get many information from internet about India, but I want to express a different thing about one of the oldest civilization, India. We all know Indians to be uneducated(maximum), unestablished(maximum), and beggers(maximum). But when I saw their tradition, their culture, I was stucked, because their culture is very beautiful and their old language Sanskrit is the most scientific language. I know it is very difficult to trust but we can't measure the depth of a sea standing beside that. And Indians love their country very much as their mother, which has really made me cry. I have got their old two books- Ramayana, Mahabharata (these are that type of books, which have been read by big big phylosophers, scripture masters of other religions and it should be) and I brought 5 copies of them, they are really amazing. You can understand why Indians love their country as their mother by knowing two lines of Ramayana and the two lines was spoken by the main character Rama, who is one of the ideals for Indians. The lines are-
"api swarnamaye lanka na mei laxman rochane|
janani janmavumischa sargadapi gariasi||"
It means Laxman, brother of Rama, golden Lanka, a golden place, can not make me glad. Because mother and motherland are higher than higher planets (for knowing the base, the situation, book has to be read). But still India has become my second favourite land after my motherland. And if I get a chance to breath my last in India, I will be really very happy.