

You did not originated from a material particles as you have been led to believe. Your conception at the moment of your parents blissful commingling was not your begining. You had no begining. You are a piece of that universal mind of creation and you must see God inside of you. You are a piece of God. You and God are the same thing. Very simply put, when you love and trust yourself, you are loving and trusting the wisdom that created you ; and when you fail to love and trust yourself, you are denying that infinite wisdom in favour of your own ego. It is important here to remember that every single moment of your life, you have the choice to either be a host to God or a hostage to ego. As a hostage to your ego, self respect is unavailable because you feel judged for your failures. Being host to God means always seeing your authentic connection to source. Self respect emerges from the fact that you respect the source from which you came and you have made a decision to reconnect to that source, regardless of what anyone else might think. Over - over remind yourself : I am not my body. I am not my accumulation. I am not my achievements. I am not my reputation. I am whole and perfect as I was created!

© Shagun