

true stories - my playmate
This event happened during my childhood. I guess it's a gift the some of us still vividly remember the feelings and the scent we experience when we are still young.
I was 4yrs old, that is definitely a long time we'll I'm still 4 now but connect the 3, yeah! I'm old. Lol! Anyway,
Being a child, we often have this wild imagination, like an imaginary friend and I'm one if those kids who have one unique friend.
I have two siblings my brother and my younger sister , I'm the middle kid, so since are age are just two yrs apart from each other my brother and sister did come along together and I'm the one being alone, while are parents are both working. Every weekdays my Mom take my brother to school he stayed with my grandparents after school same as my younger sister, Mom takes me to my aunt's house I stayed there up to 9 in the. morning until 6 or 7 pm then my Mom pick me up or sometimes my cousin's bring me home before going to church.
My Aunt Corazon is my mom's older sister same as us she had 3 kids 2boys and a girl, they're in adolescence when I was staying with them, from Monday to Saturday I stayed with them, the only day I got to play with my siblings and be with my mom is Sundays.
I learned to use spoon and fork properly when I'm 3yrs old by my aunt, when I used it wrongly she tap my hands until I do it correctly and yes! I was trained to be independent early.
I often left alone upstairs since my aunt own a canteen her whole family pitch in to help the business, while me I was left upstairs playing with dolls taller than me, yes height is not my friend.
Funny experience I recall is when there's this parade from the school I was studying pass by my aunt's house, on the second floor of the house there's a terrace what I did is I carried the 3dolls I was playing with in the terrace, I place the tallest one on the terrace railings and the other two is sitting on the chair while I was sitting on the floor as if all of us are watching the parade, though I notice all of the people kept on looking up the terrace so I hid behind the chair. I was startled when my one of my cousin came up running and stayed with me until the parade end, come to think of it they all thought there all seeing a ghost cause the dolls are moving by themselves, lol! benefits of being small, I think hahaha!
Since I was the youngest kid there, every afternoon I need to take a nap they told me I have to so I'll grow taller, (haha! traditions) around one in the afternoon up to 3 or 4:00pm, they just do that so I won't bother them during work hours, but a friend of mine always wakes me up during 2:45pm, I can't recall his face though but everytime he comes to my room the place lights up or maybe it was his clothes he do always wear this clean white terno shirt and shorts, sometimes the shirt is longer than his shorts, we don't play inside we often go out. We go down the stairs and pass by my aunt and cousins then straight to the street, we love to walk under the sun, touch the flowers that grows in the street side, played in the grass at a vacant lot 2house away from my aunt's place. Those are the things we do, we observe nature, I knew his knowledge though his almost same as my age but he never told me his name though I feel safe when we're together and no one even bother us as we play, we have the whole world for us. We always come home before 6:00pm, sometimes when we come back early
he asked me to go back to sleep and wake up after 6pm
but most of the time we come back to my aunt's place around 5:55pm I always look at the grandfather clock cause I love the way it dingdongs when it strikes 6.
Before he goes home he always ask me to hide under the kitchen sink and don't come out until I was called out by my aunt. That event happens everyday, my aunt's family put me to sleep during afternoon and looks for me under the sink but couldn't find me unless they call out my name. One day my aunt ask me why do I always hide under the sink, I told her "my friend ask me to hide there and only comes out until she calls my name."
she also ask me who's the my friend so I described what he look like she hugged me that day and they prayed over me, which is kinda weird cause I don't know what are they're doing that time, after that my mother never bring me back to my aunt's house they just visit me at home, I always ask them about my friend but they never answered.
Eventually years pass, I was 6yrs old we had a reunion every 6th of January and it's also my grandma's birthday, that time our family went in a pool party they rented a private pool, everyone is there my uncles are in charge of cooking while the aunts do the table preparation and some look over the children.
I always follow Grandma every where she goes I'm next to there even some of my cousins. Since where in the pool area small children aren't allowed to be in the adult pool but I'm a stubborn kid, I ran towards my grandma watched her went in the pool on her dress I was so amazed she's like a lily pad on the pool, my uncle Louie was sitting next to me that time and he we we're talking his asking if I know how to swim I said "no", he was about to ask me something when my aunt called him,
I just instantly jumped towards my grandma thinking I her dress can catch me, but I just went straight under the water. I can still feel my heart pumps fast everytime I recall that moment, as i was facing the sky as I sink in the pool water, before I lose breath I saw my friend reaching his hand to me, waving me to come with him before I have reached his hand, I was drag out under the water by my uncle Louie and uncle Vic, I was looking at my friend as he sink down the pool floor, I even ask them to save him but they were all frightened specially my mom, and ignore what I said.
I wasn't even scared of what had happened to me and usually in my case I should be crying but I didnt cried at all as if nothing happened though they're confused of what I said to save my friend cause my uncles dive back the pool but haven't seen any boy.
That was the last time I saw my friend and my parents even my all the family never talked about it again.
My parents said it was just my imagination or was it...
Up to now I can still remember that experience though even how hard I recall it I can't remember my friend's name and his face.

© unspokenwidow