

No one loves me
Everywhere, from whom I looked for love but it seemed hard to find. As soon as I was born, my mother left me and my father did not take his responsibility either. I no longer believe in what they call God. Because if He was real, why did He let me be like this.

I had a boyfriend, I did everything just to make him stay with me. He was going to break up with me but I convinced him to stay in exchange for something-my body. But after only a few months, he finally left me.
After I give it my all.
I approached my friends, I learned to drink alcohol, to wear revealing clothes and to use drugs. I was also exploited when I got too drunk. After a few years, I was rejected by my friends. They said that they don't want me anymore. "I am giving up", I whisphered to myself. "No one loves Me. I have no more reason to live."

"I am hopeless" I whispered to myself as I looked at a happy family that was there at the train station. "Chuu! Chuu!" I saw the train coming. "The train is near, the train is near!" I'll wait until the train comes nearer". I was about to take a step, I would have run closer to the rushing train when suddenly someone pulled on my clothes. "Heaven, don't!" The man shouted from behind me. I turned around and saw Nino. He hugged me and I cried. "Don't ever do that again Heaven, the Lord loves you" he said. A few days later, Nino invited me to join their cell group or a group that studies the word of God.
It was not easy, slowly and gradually my outlook on life and even my former wrongdoing changed. God loves me but I have to do something to straighten out my crooked life .He, the Lord doesn’t look at me in my past because what matters to Him is what I am now.
So far, Nino and I have been dating for three years. He always made me feel that I deserved to be loved.
© angie