

The Hopping Rabbit
One bright and sunny day Jack the bunny watched by the front entry as his older siblings hopped to school. He always watched eagerly as they hopped out and hopped back daily, knowing that one day would be his chance to lead his own respective daily hop.

In the Bunny culture, the bunny with the highest and fastest hop was considered to be among the most elite. Everybody wanted to be associated with those who were among the most elite. Jack was already associated by relation. All he had to do was pass his first level of school entry tests.

"This will be a piece of cake." He thought, while watching his siblings return home the afternoon of his last Friday before the placement practice week.

"Come practice your hop with me, little bro," said Jack's older brother, Josh.

"I don't need to practice, Josh," said Jack. "It's already in my blood!"

All of Jack's older siblings laughed.

"What's in your blood, little one? Carrot juice?" Josh replied, still tickled by his little brother's nievity.

Josh and his other siblings already took the school entry test and passed with flying colors. They also had a rigorous practice schedule to adhere to before their first try. Their Papa Rabbit made sure of it!

Now though, because their father is older and a little less strict on the baby bunny, Jack, he hasn't had any practice time. This worries all of the older siblings, as it's been a continued tradition for all baby bunnies to train for at least 2 weeks prior to the placement practice week. Yet, here it is the week of and Jack hasn't even looked at any obstacle courses.

"We needed to get you started two weeks ago," said their sister, Janet. "You are way behind!"

"I am a RABBIT!" said Jack. "I will pass with flying colors. You'll see!"

The siblings tried bribing Jack with his favorite new game. "Come on, Jack! If you practice with us, we'll go to the store after the test and we won't bother you at all." said big brother James. Jack didn't budge.

They tried guilting him. "You know, dad will be so disappointed if you're the only one of us who doesn't become among the elite." said big sister Julia. Jack just fanned his hand.

They even tried scaring him. "Jack, you have to practice to keep your dark closet from swinging open at night and swallowing you up after you fail." said big sister Janet. Jack started to giggle.

Nothing worked! There was nothing the older siblings could do to get Jack to believe in practicing. They all felt bad!

While leaving Jack's room, Julia said confused, "I thought for sure our habits would naturally rub off onto him."

"Me, too!" replied Janet.

"Yea, but we can't force him to want to do anything." said James, defeated.

"Oh, yes we can!" replied Josh, angrily.

Josh bursts back into Jack's room, picked him up over Josh's shoulder, and carried Jack into the backyard. "If you don't do anything but a few running jumping jacks, you WILL practice something, today. I refuse to let you soil our good family name and history."

Poor little Jack burst into tears. He worked out with big brother Josh for the remainder of that evening. Jack even woke up early with Josh to practice the entire Saturday following.

"You're as ready as you're going to be!" Josh told Jack, that Monday morning.

As Jack approached the entry gates to the obstacle course for his placement practice week, he stopped and tugged on his big brother's shirt. Jack and Josh then shared a silent stare.

"You'll do just fine, little bro." said Josh, with a grin.

Jack went on to begin his placement practice week. Each day being more of a challenge than the previous one. Each day he realized more of the importance of practicing. Each day having his siblings urge him to practice at home.

Needless to say, Jack did not pass with flying colors, as all of his older siblings had done before him. He struggled, but showed great persistence and strength.

Once Jack made it to the final challenge, a carrot hop wall, he knew he had the answer. He knew it would be a 'piece of cake'.

As Jack approached the carrot hop wall, he thought, "I'll show them!" While other little bunnies hopped right over, after however many tries, he decided to try once then find an alternative.

Jack saw a tall tree nearby and decided, "Well, if one hop won't work, I'll just use my natural resources." He proceeded to hop from the ground to the center of the front of the wall, then to the hanging tree branch so that he could swing over.

"This is the perfect plan!" Jack thought. However, he was just a little too heavy.

Jack was able to execute each move just right, until he grabbed the tree branch. With the very first swing, the branch broke and he went crashing to the ground.

Jack hopped right back up, quickly. He reanalyzed the big tree. "I see!" He thought to himself, as he looked around to find another alternative.

"Got it!" Jack thought, with excitement.

Jack ran to pick up the broken tree branch. He backed as far away from the carrot hop wall as he believed he needed to pick up full speed. Then, he ran as fast as he could and used the broken tree branch to boomerang himself over the wall. Only, he must've miscalculated the height, because he smacked right into the tip of the front of the wall.

"I can smell the victory!" He told himself. By now, the practice day had ended. Jack had one more day to complete and pass the placement practice week for his entry into the first level of school.

"I'm impressed, little bro!" Josh exclaimed, as they ate dinner that evening. "Not many bunnies have the audacity to challenge the system. And you managed to do so within the rules. Sucks it didn't work out for you, though! Now, you have to hop from the ground, if you have any chance of catching the carrot at the top of carrot hop wall."

After dinner, Jack went outside to practice his hop one last time with his big brother Josh. This time was different, though. All of Jack's older siblings helped while their Papa Rabbit watched from the window.

The next day, Jack woke up bright and early. "This is my day!" He thought. He completed his daily morning routines and ate a nice hearty breakfast with his family.

Once they arrived to the final day of the placement practice week, Jack settled to complete his final challenge, conquering the carrot hop wall. He set his sights on taking a big bite out of that hanging carrot.

Finally, Jack completed the placement practice week. Though he didn't finish with flying colors, like his older siblings, he did set his own standard. His previous alternatives did not go unnoticed!

Of course, no rules were changed. However, Jack received a reward for his creativity and was offered an internship with the Head among the Elite, which was with his big brother, Josh.
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