

life of love
Girl started crying to let her soul know that she had eyes too but what actually meant is she was blind...since her childhood.but she never felt that she was blind and she cannot see this beautiful world.but,
Becoz of that single person who mean a world to her
He is her friend, her love, her caretaker what not he is everything to her.God is so jealous that he cant see that blind girl look at the world with the eyes of that boy...god thought that she dont deserve him in life and one fine day he took away the guy..
not just that guy but also that girl's life.
By the time he left the girl became a fish in an ocean...though she had a world around her but she dont have that one person who meant world for her...
The next day when she was all alone at the shores ..
Suddenly a voice touched her deep inside her heart
she started to follow the voice...

To be continued.......
© milky