

The story of a person who defied the death
There was a family living in a small house they have 13 children they were running short with food and money do the father went outside to find something there he see a dark jungle after roaming there he two things the (eye of god) & (devil) they offer to come with us then they will make her one wish come true but he refused and afterward he see the death with a crooked smile he promised him that he will make her one son successful he accepted her offer and some years later he go to her son and give him a potion from which he can treat any but if I would sitting downside to the patient foot he could not cure him. He accepted his offer and become a great surgeon he started to become rich and famous . But once the king got disease and he get the opportunity to cure the king but after going there he see the death sitting downside the king . So he decide to trick the death so he just tilt the king which means the dead in the downside of king' head because of which the death got angry and after wards the princess got sick and king decided to award the person who cure's the princess so he go to cure the queen but he see's the queen died so as it is he started to cure the queen so that the queen can alive but he didn't see the death because of which he have to go with dead in hell and then he was transformed in to an inactive candle he begged th death to burn the candle up but he refused at last he died because of her fault