

The Centenals (A New Puppy)
The Centenals

The Centenals are a flock of birds that come to the earth once every hundred years. They are not just ordinary birds, they are given assignments to help people and sometimes they help little animals. No-one knows how long they stay for but you can guarantee they're always waiting in the wings!
They come because someone cares.

A New Puppy

Mount Earl looked quite imposing from the outside. The Centenal had been awaiting their arrival. They’d made quite good time travelling from Bristol to Cornwall. Catherine was pleased they’d set off early even though it meant setting the alarm for 4 am!
The new puppy had travelled surprisingly well and Emerald was never any trouble. Emerald was an old family pet; a Persian mix so called because of her striking green eyes; she never strayed far from home preferring cosy evenings by the fire to nights out on the tiles anyway her long fur coat got so easily matted.
Paul unpacked the car while Catherine fed Emerald and the new puppy. They’d yet to think of a name...