

" Anger Control"
Once there was a girl with very bad temper.......She used to tease everyone and even when her mistake was revealed she always posed to be angry, 😡
One day her father decided to make him control over her annoyance. He handed over him a pack of nails and a hammer 🔨⚒️.He asked her to rive a nail into a wall. Everytime the girl lost her anger she would boss a nail. It was a hard task to do which tired her...
She tried to come over her road rage in order to get rid of the task. First day she placed 56 nails but their number was decreasing day by day. Then one day she told her father that that day she had not rived any nail.......
Then her father asked her to get the nails out. As soon as she removed them .Het father said:
" Look my daughter! you have got the nails out but the holes are still there,,, so in anger you hurt people , afterwards you say SORRY but that's not the cure of the deep scars which you have left in their hearts ♥️♥️♥️