

Magic Wizards Ep 5: The Tank Experiment (Part 8)

Today's Read: A little longer than usual again. Full of engaging talks and more suspenseful chaos! The chaos is alot to describe but in one word:Crazy! Did Sheila and Tori's talk just become a three person thing?! Did the Wizards make it? If you wanna understand the story more please go back to the previous episodes. Let the story continue.

Ep 5:The Tank Experiment.

Sheila and Tori were still at the eat out restuarant. And Sheila was still in Tori's ear, whispering. But what could it be? She continued...and continued. Until all of a sudden, Mr.Jenkins had walked in. He came bursting in almost as if it were his own home, frustrated. Plumping down one table away from them. Immediately, Sheila stopped. But with being shocked about what was said, Tori continued going on about it.

"Ok we have to stop. Quincy is gonna find out. And how do we know?" she questioned.

"Shhh, people are watching." Sheila whispered as Mr.Jenkins started to look their way when he heard Quincy's name.

"And i haven't even told you the whole story." she finished saying.

"Well tell me!" Tori's voice rose a little.

She was really shocked and wanted to know more of what Sheila had told her. And hesitantly without noticing, Mr.Jenkins curiously started to head their way. Stopping in front of them.

"You girls know Quincy?" he asked keeping his voice warm welcoming and firm.

They both gazed at him thinking of what to say.

"Uhh yeah we go to his school why?" Sheila spoke.

"He's an interesting character huh. I know him too. We're neighbors."

Tori felt pressured, in her mind she really wanted to spill what Sheila had just told her. Expescially now that she knew he was familiar with Quincy. But should she? She looked at Sheila nervously then back at Tank.

"Actaully...Quincy..." Tori started, but Sheila covered her mouth with one of her hands.

She used the other to place it in her lap and sat up straight. Nice and tall to hide her affliction she was starting to feel.

"yeah he is. Do you happen to know anything?"

"Well...i know more than what you think. That boy is full of surprises." he smirked.

Tension was rising as he eyed them with a serious look. She finally let Tori's mouth go and sat all the way up intrigued by Mr.Jenkins.

"Okay, why don't you sit down with us. Tell us everything you know about Quincy. Ok?"

Mr.Jenkins didn't know what he was getting himself into, and he didn't know why Sheila and Tori needed to know more about Quincy, but nonetheless...he sat down with them.

At Tank's garage things were still chaotic. The wizards were still stuck in the machines. And Rascals still couldn't overpower Tank's magic he had used. But they all knew they had to find some way to get out. And there had to be a way, there just had to. Moments had passed, and Tank was heading back to the machines from the entrance of the garage. After seeing that no one was coming. No one had heard them, no matter how loud it got.

"We....have to get...out of here." Rj breathed hard.

He could barely talk just like Quincy and Rege now. With the machines still turning and still gripping. Rascals floated all the way up, as high as he could. Lifting both of his fairy hands towards Tank and the machines. This time he tried a different kind of magic.

"I cast this spell to be above the trees, above the seas, to be nothing but on top, with this I command these machines to obey me and stop!"

Still, the magic did not work. The machiens didn't even slow down. Not one bit. In fact, things started to get worse.

"Testing...Testing..." The system started talking as if it were a robot.

"Testing...what?" Rj said trying to shake himself again. Rege does the same, but they were more slow this time.

"We could try...yelling or...grabbing our phones. Look no....matter how much....it may hurt....we have to try. We need....to call for help." Quincy spoke hard.

They could barely understand each other now. Tank stood observing what was going on. He put his wand back in his pocket now that he had done what he wanted. The machines turned and turned. Quincy tried to keep his eyes on Tank. Trying to see what he would do next. He decided to close his eyes from the pain, tryjng to reach for his pocket. It really wasnt a good idea. Was it? But he had to do something. But wait....ding ding ding, a thought had hit Razcals.

"Wait i got a better idea. Why don't we all try combining our magic together? I'm sure it'll work like that, it has to!"

"How...do you...know?" Rege huffed and could barely keep his eyes open from the pain.

"Trust me. You're all in fear and worry right now! Use that and release it in your magic! And hurry!"

Tank began walking over to the machines. Pulling a latch on the control system.

"Beginning...the phase 2." The system spoke.

A great big white light started to glow behind the machines, making it look like a portal. Trying to keep to focus... Rj thought, "Here goes our last attempt to break free before we die," He used his magic and combined it over to Rege. Letting out a blue streak of lightning from his finger tips. It made the machines more dangerous to be around, causing small blowups and crackles around the ground of the area where the machiens were that wouldn't stop.

"Now...You!!!" Rj screamed kinda trying to stay calm even though the loud crackles and lightning was making him worry.

Rege closed his eyes, trying to release his feelings into magic. Arrgh! "I can do this!" he thought to himself. He did, making the lightning even bigger and more dangerous. It spreaded out now and went twards other things in the garage. The white light behind the machines was now starting to create a huge energy ball of magic. Tank watched in worry, getting his wand out again.

"He's gonna try and stop us!" Rege yelled forcefully.

"Stop! Youre ruining everything! I told you it wouldn't hurt you idiots!" Tank complained.

"Malfunctioning.....Malfuctioning." The system control repeated.

Tank waved his wand. "Work again."

But nothing happened this time. Why?! Rascals thought as he observed Tank not paying attention to the others who were still struggling. He waved it once more.


Still nothing happened. He threw his wand to the ground, starting to run twards Quincy in a rage until...Zap! The brightness of the white light behind the machines and the lighting blinded and struck him, pushing him far away from the machines and knocking him out.

"HURRY!!!!" Rj and Rege screamed to the top of their lungs to Quincy.

"AHHHHH!!!! Let...Me....GO!!!!" Quincy screamed as loud as he could.

Tank's eyes opend from the zap. The lightning sparked everywhere now. It zapped his chemiclas and things that were now spilled on the ground. And it was REALLY dangerous to be there at this point.

"Oh my gosh, i gotta get out of here!" he panicked.

Without thinking twics he quickly pushed himself onto his feet, running twards the exit. But it was too late, the big energy ball of magic shot through the machines.


A BIG explosion. The explosion messed up everything that was left to be in the garage. Nothing was left to survive, or was it? Luckily, not the garage itself. It still stood up and looked normal from the oudside as if nothing was going on. However, Smoke came out of the garage. And filled the garage up. No one could see inside. Where the Wizards free? Where they okay? Was anyone dead? Did they survive? (To be continued...)

#Mystery #Thriller #Suspense #Magic #Love #Heartbreak #Teendrama #Greenville #WizardA #WizardB

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