


There was one time when I was given strict demands to clean up the grounds around my home by one of the code enforcement agency's workers, (my respect given to this guy was greatly unsuccessful, at best. If you've ever felt with them, you know the rest.) Along with my mind telling me the odds weighed extremely heavy against any changes for the better in him, given the opportunity today, as well as, even years from now, he failed the test. His abuse of power in such a position allowing him to be able to, at will, choose anybody's home, and this use of that power to destroy a persons life for any reason, even simply by not liking that person. It sure seemed like this was the case with this big power wielding servant of the city's government with me. The guy was like a grown up that never got the chance to be the neighborhood bully, and yearned for this as a kid, so now gets paid the big dollars all grown up and doing that with which he felt was so unfair to have been cheated out of doing this years ago. My guess is that he was picking on me to make up for lost time and also my home and those living in it. Could be that he was friends of my next door neighbor that, not only wanted me and my people to move away because my neighbors were generally haters of most everyone, and having something in common that all bullys share, like dont have alot and go by the adage, "it isn't so much that i succeed in this world but more so that those around me should fail so that I look even better in my success when they fail. Ive thought long and hard about this kindred commonality between both, but all can say now is, it just doesnt matter, and all will be seen in the end.

Their ratty looking house was really trashy with old bed mattresses, old broke down ovens, fridges, along with trash and stuff too much to list strewn all around inside their fenced in back yard. They kept the flower beds trimmed up in the front of their house, as if they were the best neighbors around to be proud of bringing joy and comfort in having them around. But the parking area was cluttered with packed in together, non running older cars. Their one or two running vehicles weren't especially of the best of the chosen rides, to be sure.

My house was clean and kept up with rarely having the back or front having grass that had missed even one regular mow job ever. It almost reminded me of rendition of a house in a 1950s sitcom. It was already ready without smoothing out perfectness for the presentation at hollywood for the first scene to start in a rural neighborhood.

I had to tear down the wood shed connected to one of the two garages I had in back. It was something to do with it being an addition to the garage when it...