

Where's my Santa
Hey where's my Santa Claus.

Once there lived a boy Leo Brett.He lived with his mom and dad with a cute little 5 year old sister. Leo said:;"Heyyy it's Christmas right this year what's my present mom" Leo asked to his mom. Mom told "Have patience and Be on the nice list not in naughty 😤 I know my my child will get his present this year too 😚. Leo: Thanks mom. Dad To Mom: "Hey Susan(Leo's mom)Come here😳 you know I gave the surprise Christmas gifts for the last 5 years to Leo. Please can you give this time😓. I have so much work to do😣I know that you can't but please". Mom: ''What are saying John(Leo's dad) 😲How can I give". They both went on a fight.

The Day Of Christmas ⛄🎄🎁 8:00

Leo:Mom Where are my presents OMG I can't see my presents😢Where's my Santa Claus. Mom: I think you are on the naughty list 😧 It's Ok child next time. At 10:00 PM Leo sneaked a bit of his parents room he understood everything. Mom: (Shouting) Oh no I should get Leo his present all my.

Next Morning

Mom to Leo: Hey Leo I got your present from Santa Claus. Leo:Mom it's ok you keep it or let's do a thing. Let's give these gifts to orphanage. Mom: Oh my dear 😙😙😇 I didn't expect this from you

The day went and Leo was named a good boy.......

The End

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