

Dreaming for future living in the past.
It is the time where emotions search for words but the words are far away from those emotions.
It is the time when the heart search for the beloved but the beloved being concealed is far away from the heart.
What do these phases called?
The blue hues of the sky search for a gentle breeze what if when engulfed by a violent storm?
The little sapling wish to grow with bright sunshine what if it embrace the dark gloom at a very young state?
Let's come to the right position to accept that all things seems to appear bright may not be.
Can anybody identify one welcoming everyone with a vivid smile on his cheeks has the tendency of bursting into tears secretly? Maybe it is his/her mask wore by them before sharing a few words with others. The journey where one feels lonesome while living in a crowd, struggling in the battlefield while knowing that there is no solution.
When nothing but only the time and nature becomes the healing therapy for them as it a phase of surrendering all to the mother guide and that is no one else but only the Nature! Nature! Nature!