

Cara and Her Past: The Beginning
"You don't let your past hold you because there is still a future."
                                             ~ Zoë Rebecca

Her name is Cara and she had a past that's where she had a child at a young age because she was raped by a group and she didn't know who was the father of the child.

One day, she found herself at the aborting clinic, "Miss, can I...?" Cara stopped at the mid-sentence.

"Baby, I'm sorry," Cara said sorry and caressed her tummy with tears in her eyes.

"Hey, there miss?" Robert handed a handkerchief on Cara.

"Who are you?" Cara timidly asked Robert.

"I'm Robert Lagdameo, 29 years of age," Robert answered Cara.

"Just kidding miss, I see that you're pregnant, so let me take you home," Robert asks Cara to take her home.

"No, I can do this. Ouch!" Cara said and cried because her baby kicked on her tummy.

"See that, you can't, let me take you home?" Robert gently asked again Cara.

As they were going to Cara's place, they talked about everything and what happened to Cara.

"Cara, can I visit you again tomorrow?" Robert asked Cara.

"Yes, of course," Cara answered Robert.

"Baby, what is that?" Cara asked her baby as if the baby could answer her and then she gently caressed her tummy.

Cara just stared at nothingness and just waited for tomorrow to come.

To Be Continued..

© XoXo