

Lock of a Heart ❤ \Chap: 7//
I heard Cols car drive away. I was thinking to myself, what if he actually liked me.. No! Of course he doesn't.. Why would he like me.. But what about that slap mark on his cheek.. Could he be getting abused by his father?.. I remember how he reacted when his father called him.. His face turned white, sweat running down his face, and anxious body motion like shaking... Well i hope he's alright. I finally backed out and woke up the next morning. "Ugh.. what happened.." I said as i yawned. Was last night all a dream..? I can still remember how warm he was when we hugged.. And how good he smelled.. He's much nicer than I expected.. Then I realized "OMG I HAVE TO GO SOMEWHERE TODAY!" What time is it? I looked at my phone and looked at the time ITS 10:39! I have to go at 11:20! "Crap, Crap, Crap!" I ran to my closet and grabbed a green sweatshirt and black jeans and grabbed my back pack, And packed a few things that both of us coukd enjoy such at food and water and spare clothes that I could use just in case its too hot, I mean it is Orlando Flordia! I texted Col that i'm all ready! I went outside and i sat down on the brick floor waiting for his car to drive up! Then i heard a- "HO_NK!" There Col was with that same adorable smile on his face. For once I was acually was excited! "Come on in haha!" He laughed. "Ok so.. where are we going?" He said as I hopped into his car. "Well its a surprise... so don't look while i put it into maps!"I said. "This place brings joy to everyone by the way... so don't mess things up!" Haha I feel like we known each other for years... oh.. and i completely forgot... he's m-my c-crush.. "Woah feisty.. I see hehe." >:) He said with an evil laugh. "Ya know.. I feel like we have known each other for years... But we have only known each other for 3 days at least hah.. thats so weird!" He said. Thats exactly what i was thinking.... Wow.. Can he read my mind!? "Also I count you for being my one, and only!... Best friend!!!" He shouted as he looked at me. I looked back at him and smiled. He looked away I can see a slight blush fom his cheeks.. I feel like i'm leaving my past behind.. Wait I completely forgot about my past.. Well whatever.. Me and Col are about to have the time of our lifes. "Here we are!!!" I shouted. "You did not!" He said surprised. "Here we are the happiest place on Earth, Disney World!" I shouted "eeeeak!, Are you happy!?" I asked. "OF COURSE I AM DUH!" He yelled. I'm so glad he likes it! "Lets go!" I said. He jumped out of the car and raced eachother to the entrance. "Haha catch me if you can!" He screamed. He's so fast, how am I even keep up with him.. We finally got to the entrance.. "Here ill pay-" He said. "Uh no need i have.. TICKETS!" I shouted as I jumped into the air. "Tickets please...?" The Disney worker asked. "Here-" The worker stoped me. "Are you two couples.. you sure look like it hehe.?" Me and Col both looked at each other and blushed.. then we instantly looked away from eachother. "Uh no.. we are just close friends.." This is honestly awkward.. "Huh.. strange, you should litterally date.. to be honest. Well have a great day!" She opened up the little gate we go through and we both ran to one of the rides. It was finally night. "You wanna go get dinner in a few hours the park will close.. but before that there will be fire works.." I asked. "Sure, and we will definitely go see thoughs fireworks!" He said with a little cute smile. That smile.. It always makes me feel so close to him.. I don't know why.. "Here we can go to that pizza place over there.." He said as he pointed towards Pizza Hut. "Yeah we can go there, besides i'm very hungry right now. "Okay!" Col said. It was almost midnight as we ran to Pizza Hut. We ate and just sat there. "Hey you know Home Coming is coming up.." He said. "Oh I completely forgot." I said. "Well.. maybe since.. we have no one to go with... We could g-go together.." He said as he looked down at the floor. "Y-yeah.." I said. I can't believe i just asked me to go to Home Coming with him. We both looked down at the floor and blushed. Then he reached over the table and held my hands.. This.. this is really different.. Could this mean.. he actually likes.. me?