

Floating Bottle with a Love Letter
Embarking on a lonely journey, seeking for answers I found myself blaming the world for such pain. Such lonesome journey ive taken. Heart-full of memories of her beauty and what you've lost.
Pitiful journey i must take again, to find my self or find love i must go.
At seas, before finding love.
Or finding myself i found a bottle floating, with a note inside.
Lable said; break only if lonely

---Continue only if lonely----

Beware sailor, for she dresses in white, her lips speak sweet poems, her verses peak your interest with never heard combination of words that lifts your spirits, that make you feel alive. Honey sweet feeling of hope that fills the wholes of your past and a shoulder to lean on for the future.

Beware for you will get lost in the shades of smoke in here eyes.  Goddess skin for the stray that shines only at night. For she shows her beauty only to the Faithless and lost souls.

Beware, for she lives in the colorless depths of the sea. In a world you can’t see. She’s a selfish Queen of Queens. You don’t matter. It's her dream. They won’t hear you if you scream. She will use you and confuse you, abuse you, and then lose you. To have you then drown you.

 Be wise, fellow sailor. For our nature are the waves, lovely shades, salty days. Be careful at night, you’ll see her, she’s bright. If your soul feels lonely and lost, remember that love can swim across.

Fellow sailor, for your heart is big like the sea and your love strong like the waves. There comes a time in life when we all feel lonely and lost when the days seem nothing but gray. especially in those days. Beware. For love can sweep you off your feet. Forget not that your soul is lost. While she might raise your body, your soul is broken, your heart is torn. Your body raises without a soul. For one cannot hope to build a relationship or find love with a broken soul with self loath. Fellow sailor, Dearing mate. Seek not love in stormy weather.  You must thrive alone and learn the taste of victory. For if you can't love yourself, you can not truly find love. How can a monster who can’t even take care of herself take care of you. How can a lost sailor find true love amid the dark lost seas. For you are lost! And you must find yourself first. How can you dream to take care of a beautiful soul if yours is crooked and lost! How can you look for love, when you resemble death, and shame on you, Sailor. That promotes stormy weather but speaks charming sweets. For the language of love speaks no evil. The land of the lost has no place for love. You come first fellow Sailor, fellow lover. You must take care of yourself to be able to take care of another. Specially a lover.

© Arthur Normal