

Masked Magic Aces. A Spark Of Evil.
Chapter 1
A new Journey

Smoke poured out of the small cabins Windows and the front door there was know door it had been shader into a million pieces the pieces of the door were large printers about five inches long. “Master who do you think did this?” Stana asked Chans who was her Summer. “I am not your master you are a follower who is trying to stop evil and the people who allow it.”Chans said in anger looking at the mans body that was pierced in multiple spots. “Can you save him?” Chans asked turning way from the cabin. “Know he is already gone master… huh I'm sorry I mean sir.” Stana quickly said covering her mouth. “Sh there is someone here… move!” Chans yelled as blue light hit the ground causing an explosion, when the smoke cleaned he could not see Stana. “Stana!” Chans yelled looking around for her. “Hahaha it seem like your follower could not handle herself.” A man said walking out of the dark and into the moon light, the man had white hair but was not old, wherever he went a shadow alwaysed followed him the black and purple missed surrounded his arm as he extended his hand towards Chans. “Who are you?” Chans asked knowing that there will be a fight after all he was waiting for one. “You may call me Shadow.” Shadow said smiling then releasing a five combo attack, they streaked through the air as if they were a living being. “reflector!” A voice was heard, from what Chans could tell it was a woman but it was not Stana, a green magic barrier appeared in front of him blocking shadows attacks as they hit the wall one by one flu back towards there castor but only to have disappointed before they could return. “You ok?” the woman asked. “I'm fine.” Chans answered. “I'm Conako a level 12 magic user,since you done seem to have an follower you most be a level 14 magic user” Andra, said sanding in front of him. “Know I'm a level 8” Chans said sending off him own volly of magic he's magic trick slamming into Shadows magic protected barrier shattering it sending Shadow flying into a tree. “It seem like you are a few levels ahead of me but its not over my master calls so see you other time.” He said as the miss surrounded him then he was gone. “You are level 8 ahhh, I have a long way to go” Conako said then she sighed. “So I had ran into a girl over there unconscious but alive is she with you?” Conako asked pointing over by a clop of trees. “Stana!” Chans said running over towards the spot where Conako had said . “Sir I'm ok I'm just fine.” Stana said struggling to get up. “Know, you don't need to move right now.” Chans told her as she began to relax. "I'm sorry sir I did not react fast enough forgive me." Stana said putting one hand over her heart. "It's ok the important thing is nobody got hurt." Chans said with a smile. "Mis I seen the white haired man, he seemed to be going north." A dark haired man said walking out of the trees and into the clearing where Chans, Stana and Conako were setting. "Ahh!!!" Conako gave a startling cry. "Oh my." Conako said putting her hand over her heart. "How many times have I told you, you can't just pop out of nowhere you almost gave me a heart attack." Conako went on then got up off the ground. "Mis if you had a heart attack I would just reset your nerve system." The man said raising his hand as three inch fork of lighting came from the from the palm of his hand. "You know I'm all better now thanks for the help… oh this is Ash, my partner." Conako said getting back on track. "I am Chans, and my partner Stana, we were in the process of investigating the wrecked house when Shadow, took a shot at us." Chans said explaining their situation as Conako nodded in begin to say. "You and me have the same thing in mind." Conako said putting her hands on her hips. "Oh do we?" Chans asked looking at her.
"Yes me and my partner were in the nearby area when we heard an explosion and came to investigate what was going on, and we seen the white-haired man and another man with a hood could not see his face but they must have been partners but they were the ones who caused the cabin to look the way it does. Do you think the white-haired man was the master?" Conako asked as Stana got up slowly. "Well you be ok?" Chans asked Stana. "Yes sir it would take a lot more than that to take me down." Stana said standing strong but Chans new she was hurting a lot more than she was letting on. "Ok good. Those two man did something back in the mining station of Komery, that is Unforgivable. Me and my partner have been tracking them for a while now but we have never seen their faces." Chans explained looking back towards the south. " our journey has just begun, I sense danger ahead." Chans said turning around and started walking north. "Will do you like want to have two extra traveling companions I mean we're both walking and going in the same direction." Conako asked looking at them both. "Well sure, it's not going to be fun." Chans said. " I look forward to traveling together." Conako said walking behind them as all of them walked deeper into the dark forest. Their fate will lie and how strong they will get.