

The Devils Ministry
The "Devils Ministry" is a term used in some Western Countries, for "Bad Advice"
Our whole lives should be about truths,facts,living,growing as people,being better people,better parents,just generally better.Pretty easy & uncomplicated you would think..
Outside Pressure
From we are able to walk,we come under constant pressure to conform to an ideal,Its not OUR ideal,its normally someone elses,Parental pressure,Teacher pressure,Peer pressure,yet,the real achievers & geniuses of this and any era,were anything but,what is called "normal" simple reason,they were DIFFERENT!, There are many examples of this Einstien,Elvis,Churchill ,to name a few. Doing what comes naturally,using the innate talents an individual has, have been stifled People are afraid to express themselves fully..,There are people in the world today,who might well have advanced mankind beyond belief,by their natural abilities,yet because of pressure to conform,Or lack of money for a good education,these people languishprobably in a boring mundane job,hating it,just doing it,& bored by it..The price of listening to pressure....Potential ruined,hope destroyed,Which is why,so many put their hopes in their children,who may NOT wish to do as their parents did or dreamed ,The cycle repeats..,Basic education is vastly important,but there comes a point where, opinions "diverge" People need to be allowed to "follow their own star" I meet so many who regret the "Path Not Taken" & its sad,as they are normally vastly intelligent people doing at times a menial low paid job..Thats the real tragedy.
Genetic Conformity
Being happy in what we do,is so important,as its probably what we work at for the rest of our lives, That said I know people who are 4h generation Mechanics,Accountants,Lawyers,& they both love & are very happy in what they do,and for those contented people its wonderful,They won't go each day dreading another boring mundane day,Their probably good at what they do & enjoy it.These are the people who make the world functional.stable,& thats needed..BUT..They won't change anything..They won't dream,& Its the fustrated people we are writing about in this article..For them,what they do,has become a "grudgingly acceptable prison" Talent should be allowed to flourish,but it isnt always so..Too many times its misunderstood scoffed at even laughed at.The good being...In todays world there are so many outlets,that were not there before,to help people find their true "niche" of working & contented utopia.
Pressure Cooker Life
Everyone thinks they know "best" for a young individual.. Grandparents,Parents,Relatitons but few take the time & trouble to find out what the young person ACTUALLY wants..Instead they patronisingly "point" the supposed path to happiness,financial in particular!Because its how "their" conditioned by society,Its a "What will the neighbours think?" mentality,but its not theirs,or the "Neighbours" life..Its YOUR life! ..Anyone finding their true path,or destiny,isnt going to be easy,Your going to be criticsed at. every turn,at even small mistakes, the "I told you so,looks,words,& mentality,will quickly manifest..Expect that..But with it, you will realize,you have founf your own strength,and the ability to see beyond what others,think & say..and politely ignore it 🙂 Becoming You If you have the talent,to become whom you wish to be,You will be able to source out people in your chosen field who are likeminded & share your interests,This is very important,as they can help & encourage you through "rough patches" and boost moral.There are those you DO listen to Professional,who are suprisingly generous with their time & good advice,Listen to them! DON'T listen to everybodies "uncle" or others with no idea of what you do,or hope to do..The world is full of amatuer "experts" who claim to know everything,but as they talk,you can afford yourself and "inner smile" at how little they ACTUALLY do know! But if it was easy,everyone would be doing it! Talk is cheap,ACTIONS are what matter,& speak a million words..
The Devils Ministry
I titled this work,"The Devils Ministry",not as a relgous tract,But about how "wrong" advice,no matter how well intentioned,can give a miserable life,to someone of great potential, I mentioned,i have met many,((Mainly in their 50's who regret not following their dreams," I wish i had been" Is the normal start to the sentence..Negative never gained anything..Even if you don't suceed,at least you will have tried,& probably other doors will open in some areas of agreeable choosing,in the field you aspired to..We all need a "niche" for our talents,Some i met,didnt make an awful lot of money,but they are and were very very happy in what they do! & that is the greatest result of all! As for this Author:Je ne regrette rien.( I regret nothing🙂)