

"There! That should do it", said Grandpa, slowly coming down the ladder. Regina and Ada hugged each other with joy as the workers had completed building the range of huge cottages with many rooms. It too was placed near to the stream, just like the hospital. Grandpa wanted the environment to be cheerful. John read the signboard aloud that Grandpa had just stuck with nails by his own hands. It read 'Centre of excellence, Naraba'.
All the dozen cottages in the area had many rooms inside too. They would altogether serve the purpose of an all knowledge source. It had kindergartens and nurseries. It had middle and high school classes. It too had separate ones for college and advanced studies.
"I have sent word to the department of education. Tomorrow, all the books shall arrive for the respective levels. Sadly, with the economic crises, teachings will be by heart as only the teacher can be afforded the only copies. It will be a slow and weak start but it will be a start", said John. Ada was happy. Behind them, Elder Salim arrived. "Dear son!", he called out to John. "I have informed the elders and they have agreed too. When shall we begin?".
"Begin what?", asked Grandpa. "Oh, I, Dad and John wanted to preserve their teachings too. We will be writing their philosophies by hand into an original book while listening to each and every part of their history". Grandpa felt excited saying, "Count me in", as they went up ahead except Ada. All her people had known about the stories was by listening to them around a bonfire. She never knew if noted down, they could be read a thousand times again and by a thousand people. Ada had a good feeling about the near future.
On her way back, she saw Adana and Andrew walking away hand in hand. She stopped for a while. After a few steps, Andrew cut away a random yellow flower and pointed it to Adana. She accepted it and stuck it above her ear. They seemed to be getting along pretty well.
Ada went on towards the village. But what was with Adana wearing all white everyday all of a sudden? Was it her symbolism of purity? And the chilli red necklace? What if Andrew had carved it for her from a rock? Was it a betrothal necklace? Adana would never tell, smiled Ada. She already was having a lot of responsibility, being the chief of the guards and with a distraction like Andrew. Maybe, once all gets going, they would announce it soon. For now, security and shifting of ideologies to a peace were the main issues.
A fortnight of time had passed by. The hand-written parchments and manuscripts were now ready. It was a tiring work. The books too had arrived. Along with the books came further new arrivals. The tribe was accommodating them easily. But according to the condition, all the forest got easily inhabited. People had to move on horses for distant areas. It was especially hard for Ada to keep an eye on development at all parts.
Regina and Alex went on with Mr.Gosling to spread the barbed wires and the barriers as the wildlife was slowly being pushed away. They could not risk an attack and the consequent atrocity of the people towards the poor creature who was merely guided by its animal instincts. They had to be persevering in this conservationism.
John searched to find Andrew, whom he met mounted on a horse nearby Adana's tent. "Where are you going?", asked John. Andrew replied, "With Adana, to the south parts of the village. We are packing supplies for a week. Adana has to go check on those sides as all new arrivals are at that side and she has to make sure about the security measures". "Well, if you guys have made up your minds, then I can only bid you good bye that you may return safe and in peace".
Continuous new arrivals meant even more inhabitation, thought Regina. What if food scarcity becomes a problem here too? What if amongst the peace lovers arise hoarders and consequently, thieves? She had to do something. Naraba was not a free place to join in. It had a value and that must not be scratched in any way. She would have to talk to the government for financial investments. Keeping the environment healthy, she could allow more wind and solar power stations and that could help in raising Naraba nationally.
They just could not exhaust the forest from its nutrients by sending in only people.
Regina caught up with John, just in time to bid Adana and Andrew goodbyes.
She suggested to go for a walk. John understood her urge to speak out about something that had been bothering her, so he went along.
"Ada and the others", said Regina, "their sacrifices have been to large for our people. Since the day we had met her, their response toward us had always been welcoming". John nodded in affirmative. "By now, half of the old city has been reallocated. Some to neighbouring cities and some to this new Naraba. With the ever increasing population, the ecosystem is going to be effected. No matter how hard we try, pure minimalism can be reached only by exterminating the artificial needs of our people", said Regina, turning to John for a face to face conversation.
"I really need your support and our people's. One small mistake can cause thousands of us to suffer". John looked confused. "What is it that's bothering you?". "I believe that the schools that have been started ought to bring results. I want them to bring them soon. With constant guard on our people, there still prevail two labels amongst the people after so many weeks", said Regina nearly sobbing.
"I just don't want the bondages so transparent and artificial. We will be responsible for the slightest indifference, even if we ourselves will be against those actions". John patted on her back, as she was feeling over wrought for any action done by any outsider.
Sebastian entered the cottage with wimpiness. Tiffany and Sarah had the lunch ready on the rugs. "There's my brave boy!", yelled Grandpa after his grandson had returned from the first day at school.
"It was awful", said Sebastian, grumpily. "What happened to my dear baby?", said Grandpa opening out his arms to hug him. "This mix class is a mess. That Asian kid is so mean to me. Everyone in class hates him now. We call him a hippo because he's so obese. Serves him right", complained Sebastian childishly.
"Don't blame him, son. They have been affected as much as anybody else. Calling him obese is not something he too would respond nicely with". "But you know how all asians are". "ttt, they can say the same about us Africans, son. Don't view the world in terms of race. We were not created to differentiate human beings this way. Our features are only for recognition, not to elevate one above the other on the basis of race". Sebastian looked down.
"Take each human being based on his merit". Sebastian interrupted, "But..". "No buts here, son. Don't you remember how your best friend in school was an Asian. And have you forgotten how he helped you by standing up for you against bullies. People are better in terms of their goodness to others", said Grandpa. Sebastian understood and sighed as he went to sit for the lunch.
Adana arrived at the southern sector. She and Andrew went for a visit to check the community as guards put away their belongings in the hut prepared for them. The cottages here had quite a larger area to themselves.
Nearby, they saw a group of men surrounding two who were quarrelling hard. "What is the matter here?", interrupted Adana fiercely. The by-standers got to a side as nobody has expected Adana here.
One of the two man came forward and said, "Dear Lady Adana, I am a food seller. This man is one amongst the outsiders. I have told him a thousand times that what will other people eat as the numbers have exceeded. He needs to realise that in our socialist setup, when crisis arrives, we share and eat less. We don't store for our greed".
Infuriated, Adana began, "What is your side of the story?". Trembling, the man said, "Dear Lady, I know what is upon us. But I am not taking it for myself. My master has been threatening me since morning if I don't find him enough, my job with him shall be gone".
Enraged, Adana asked him who his master was. Undoubtedly, he was an elitist of the city. Adana examined the large area of land he had owned. Upon told to be brought out, he came out cheeringly. "Dear Lady Adana, I believe you must know me". Adana shook her head to say no.
"Why are you forcing our people to begin hoarding?".
"Aren't we all looking for survival here?".
"What sort of survival is this? First of all, who gave you the permission to own this amount of land? Don't you already know that the numbers are increasing and we soon might have to accommodate closely packed".
As Adana's voice grew fiercer, the man brought out pieces of gold from his pocket. "Here you go. Take it". Adana was disgusted.
"I have owned land far greater than this little piece. And for your information, this isn't the allotted one. I have bought this. With my own money", said the man.
Adana grew so furious that she was about to grab that man's collar but behind him appeared Mr. Gosling.
"He is right Lady Adana. He owns this area. You are trespassing".
Adana howled at Mr.Gosling, "We have to stop hoarding and learn to share and build communities. Who gave you the authority to buy and sell this place?".
"I am the authority Dear Adana. I control all the administrative works. This hill is the only buy and sell part of the land. All people here are elitists of the city. Of course, they could never dwell amongst the common people. They are what has kept the economy going", said Mr. Gosling plainly.
Adana would have slit his throat as she was stopped in her stance by Andrew's arms. Trying to resist, she was not the Adana anymore. Her tribesmen watched her put her dagger back as she went back with shame as Andrew guided her back. Love had made her weak.

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