

A Stroll Through Eternity: Love's Timeless Embrace
The smile on my face is real,
It bears witness to how I feel...

The smile on my face is real, It bears witness to how I feel.
A mask it is not, nor a feigned grace, But true affection that doth trace The lineaments of joy, pure and sweet, Sprung from the heart's gentle beat. No shadowed thoughts doth it conceal, For what is shown, my soul reveals. As morning dew upon the flower, So is my joy in this fair hour. No artifice nor pretense found, For love and truth therein abound. Thus do I wear this smile so bright, A beacon in the darkest night.

Upon this scene, so fair and bright, Where love doth walk in morning light, A pair, so tender, arm in arm, Their hearts entwined, free from harm. The maiden clad in hues of flame, Her countenance, a soft acclaim Of gentle grace and beauty pure, A smile that makes the world secure. Her scarf of blue, like heaven’s breath, Encircles her, a silken wreath, While in her eyes, the stars do play, Reflecting dreams of endless day.

Beside her stands a noble knight, In tailored suit, so trim and tight, His gaze upon her, calm yet keen, As if to guard this precious scene. His hand, so firm, yet softly pressed, Assures her heart of love confessed. In silent vows, they seem to speak, Of futures bright, and promises to keep.

Together, down the path they stride, With love their guide, and fate allied. In every step, the world seems small, For in their bond, they’ve captured all. A portrait of love’s sweet embrace, In time’s vast scroll, it finds its place, A memory to cherish long, As life’s own gentle, timeless song.

© poembyselly