

Ram went to Dandak van for ten years Part - I
After returning Ayodhya for Bharat Ram was destroying all the monsters of Chitrkoot. People of Ayodhya are roaming on that place sometimes. So, Ram was decided to going far from Chitrkoot. He was decided to going for Dandak forest. After taking blessings from rishi Atri , he was leaving Chitrkoot. Dandak van was a dark and evergreen forest. Monsters of Dandak van are troubled to all the rishis of that place. Rishis were said to Ram to take care from the monsters. They were lives Dandak van for ten years.

Ram was seen skeleton of rishis in the Ashram of Bharchang muni that was killed by monsters. Sutilshad muni said a story to Ram of monsters attacking rishisrishis and also give a permission to meet with Agastya muni. When going to Panchavati Ram meets with Jatayu. Jatayu was an old friend of king Dasrath and he was said to Ram that " He will be doing help when needed " .

On Panchavati, Lakshaman was made a beautiful hut. Ram and Lakshaman was killed the monters whom are attacking on the rishi 's Ashram. Now, There is a peaceful place for Rishi - Muni.

One day king of Lanka Ravan 's sister Surphnakha went to Dandak van by making her appearance like a beautiful lady and said to Ram she want to marry him. When Ram said that " I was married " then she went to Lakshaman. Lakshaman was sent to Ram. Like this, she was roaming between both brothers. In last, when she get angry, she was attacking on Sita. Then Lakshaman was cut the nose of Surphnakha. With lots of blood in the nose of Surphnakha was crying and went to the brother Khar - Dushan.