

Winter In Paris part 4
Chapter 23

"What is your favorite food, Aiden?"
I ask Aiden
"I love to eat soupe à l'oignon."
"What is that?"
"It's a famous food in French. It's onion soup. Why are you asking?"
"Nothing important. Do you want to get some food? I am starving."
"Let's go. I can let my cutie starved."
Sure did.

We walk into a restaurant which I don't know how to grammar it. It's a nice restaurant actually. The restaurant is beside the river. The view is stunning.

Aiden get me a seat. Then the waiter come to take the order.

"Soupe aux deux oignons, baguette et mousse au chocolat."
The waiter nodded and went away. I wonder what did he ordered?
"What did you ordered?"
"You will know."

20 minutes later, our order is served. What I can see is bread, two bowl of soup and a chocolate mousse.
Of course I know chocolate mousse. My mother made it for Nina's birthday last year.

"Take a taste."
Aiden ask me to taste the soup. It's very interesting.
I stared at the soup for a moment but Aiden take my spoon.

"Hey, how suppose I could eat this if you took my spoon?"
"Open your mouth."
I going to be a baby. I open my mouth and I can taste a delicious taste on my tongue.
"It's delicious. What is it?"
"It onion soup."
"It's so good!!"

I took my spoon from his hand and start to eat it all. Aiden also present me a bread called baguette. It's a French bread. I already know chocolate mousse so I just eat it up. Yeah … he's help me eating like I am a baby.

"I can see you already know my friend. How is she likes?"
I ask Aiden as we walking in our way to apartment.
"She's nice."
"She's really is."

As I walk, I saw a old woman taking her dog for a walk. It's so cute!!

"A puppy!!"
I pet the puppy. It's just so adorable. A few minutes later Aiden finally got me home. Yeah I am crazy with the dog.

Chapter 24

"What is your favorite food, Aiden?"
I ask Aiden
"I love to eat soupe à l'oignon."
"What is that?"
"It's a famous food in French. It's onion soup. Why are you asking?"
"Nothing important. Do you want to get some food? I am starving."
"Let's go. I can let my cutie starved."
Sure did.

We walk into a restaurant which I don't know how to grammar it. It's a nice restaurant actually. The restaurant is beside the river. The view is stunning.

Aiden get me a seat. Then the waiter come to take the order.

"Soupe aux deux oignons, baguette et mousse au chocolat."
The waiter nodded and went away. I wonder what did he ordered?
"What did you ordered?"
"You will know."

20 minutes later, our order is served. What I can see is bread, two bowl of soup and a chocolate mousse.
Of course I know chocolate mousse. My mother made it for Nina's birthday last year.

"Take a taste."
Aiden ask me to taste the soup. It's very interesting.
I stared at the soup for a moment but Aiden take my spoon.

"Hey, how suppose I could eat this if you took my spoon?"
"Open your mouth."
I going to be a baby. I open my mouth and I can taste a delicious taste on my tongue.
"It's delicious. What is it?"
"It onion soup."
"It's so good!!"

I took my spoon from his hand and start to eat it all. Aiden also present me a bread called baguette. It's a French bread. I already know chocolate mousse so I just eat it up. Yeah … he's help me eating like I am a baby.

"I can see you already know my friend. How is she likes?"
I ask Aiden as we walking in our way to apartment.
"She's nice."
"She's really is."

As I walk, I saw a old woman taking her dog for a walk. It's so cute!!

"A puppy!!"
I pet the puppy. It's just so adorable. A few minutes later Aiden finally got me home. Yeah I am crazy with the dog.

Chapter 24

It's four in the morning and I am awake. I can't sleep. I can't disturb Aiden sleeping or can I?

I walk to his apartment and knock the door. Aiden with messy hair open the door.

"Yes sweetheart?"
He looks tired but he still calling me with his cute nickname he gave me.
"I can't sleep. Can I sleep with you tonight?"
"Come in."
I entered his house to his bedroom. He allow me to sleep on the bed with him. I don't know why but I hug him when I am sleeping. We're snuggle that night.

In the morning…

"Wake up sunshine."
"Five more minutes."
Childhood memories. In my head is what he will say about that. Is he going to be like my mom?

"Wake up or I will punish you. You don't want that happen right?"
He wisper with his husky voice to my ears.
"Okay, I'm awake."
I got a kiss on my cheek before I go back to my apartment.

We're not planning anything today since Aiden is working today.

Everything is normal. I chat with my friends and family. Suddenly I got a message from an unknown number. I read it. It says…

"Hi gorgeous, are you free today?"
"Who is this?"
"It's Samuel."
"Yup, I'm free today. What's the matter?"
"I just want to ask you to accompany me watching a movie at the cenima."
"Just a minute."

I should tell Aiden before I go. I text him. Of course he didn't reply. He's working. At least I told him.

"Okay, what time?"
"I will pick you at 1 o clock."
"Okay then, see you later."

Chapter 25

"Hey Samuel."
"Hey, Sa-"
"What's the matter?"
"Sarah, you look beautiful."
"Thanks. We're going to watch a movie, right?"
"Yes. Let's go."

We're go to the cemina by car of course. We get there.

"Hey, Sarah. What popcorn do you want for the movie?!"
He ask me. I like caramel.

"Caramel popcorn for me!"
After we get snacks and drinks for the movie, the movie finally started. We're watching Bloodshot an action movie so I'm okay with that.

"Hey, who do you think going to win?"
I asked him.
"I don't know but I think Tom going to win."
We whisper to each other so we don't disturb other people.

After 70 minutes, the movie ended. Suddenly…

Aiden is here!
"What are you doing here?"
"Are you alright?"
He checked all of my body.
"Yes, I'm alright. Don't need to be worry, I'm just watching movie with my friend."
"I will send you to your apartment."

I go to Samuel and ask if he's okay to get home by himself.

"Are you okay if you get back by yourself?"
"I will be okay. You can go."

I get into Aiden's car. In our way, there's no conversation. No talking. Just silence. I'm wonder if he is mad.

He send me to my apartment. Before he could get inside his apartment, I stopped him.

"Are you mad?"
"No. I'm just worry. You don't know Paris very well yet. You might be lost or worse, kidnapped and I will lose you."
"Thanks for worry about me."
He's about going to get into his apartment, but I hold his hand.
"Yes, sweetheart?"
"You forget something."
I pointed to my cheek. He bend down to do what he always do to me.

"Maybe I should do it differently."
Our lips connected. I am shocked. After a few minutes, the kiss break. I touch my lips still shock.

Chapter 26

I rolling like a crazy person on my bed. My face is so red!!! I want to call my parents just to ask how are they doing.

"Hey mom, how are you doing?"
"I'm just fine. Sarah can you promise me something?"
"Sure, what is it."
"We want you to celebrate Christmas with us. You can take Aiden with you."
"Sure, I would love to come. I will come a week before Christmas. I'm promise."
"I'm glad to hear that."
"I love you mom and dad of course."
"We love you too. See you soon sweetie. It's 3 pm and you need to cook something for your dinner. Goodbye."

She hung up?! Why everyone doing this to me!!!??
Wait… I don't know how to cook onion soup and I craving for it. Wait a second, Aiden know how to cook!

I go to Aiden's house and knock the door. He's open the door.

"Yes sweetheart?"
It's a little embarrassing for asking a guy how to cook something. Especially if you a girl.

"Can you please teach me how to…cook onion soup?"
I whisper in my talking tone. It's very embarrassing!!!
"Sure, cupcake. Come in."
He welcome me to his apartment.
"No. My place."
"Okay then…"

I take him to my kitchen. I not always cook so my kitchen is clean. He told me the ingredients and how to cook it. I take notes. Then we prepare all of the ingredients. We're cook together. I very enjoy cooking with him.

"Sarah, try to taste it."
"It's very delicious!!!"
"You know the secret ingredient?"
"What is it?"
"So that's what my mom put in her apple pie."

We burst to laugh. We ate up the delicious food. We cook it a lot, so we give some to our neighborhood. We create a lots of smile in just a day.

"You can watch a movie with me."
"Good enough."
We're watching a horror story titled The Boy. It's kinda scary. Yeah, it's scary.

I freaking out. I cover my eyes under my blanket. Aiden take me to his arms. He comfort me very well but it's too comfort and I feel asleep.

Aiden's POV…

The movie finally ended.

"So that's how the story ended."
No response from her. Just silence.
She's fell asleep. I carry her to her bedroom. I put her on her bed. Tuck her to sleep. She's very cute when she's is sleeping. Before I go back to my apartment, I left a kiss on her head. She leave a small smile. Cute. I left her and go back to my apartment.

Maybe I should take her to my company.

Chapter 27

It's 8 in the morning. I already texted her to wear something fasionable. Im going to her apartment and knock the door. She opened the door.

"Hey,Aiden. You can wait inside. I just going to get something before we go."
"Ah, sure."

She wears a very fasionable purple office lady style. She also wear her white light coat. She look elegant.
Her dressing today perfect with where I going to take her.

"Is this okay?"
She ask me.
"It's very great on you. You have a great taste in fasion."
"Of course I am. I am Sarah Benjamin."
"Yes, and you're mine."
She leave a little blush on her face. I hold her hand and walk her to my Bugatti Chiron Our Sport. My dad bought me this car on my 18 birthday. My last birthday present from them.

"You have a nice car, Aiden."
"Where are we going. We wearing office clothing. You look like a boss."
"You will know when we get there."
"Fair enough."

Sarah's POV…

I'm playing CatsCafe in our way to our destination.
After 20, Aiden stop the car. In front of a bulding. He talk me out off the car. I look at the tall building.

"Welcome to Golden Heart."
"Your company?"
He nodded. He take my hand and walk into the building. A girl come to us.

"Welcome boss."
"Thank you."
"Who is this?"
"This is Sarah Benjamin."
"Nice to meet you Miss Sarah, my name is Lucy. Mr Aiden's worker."
"Nice to meet you too, Lucy."

She take us to the elevator. When we arrived at the top floor, she leave us.

"What is the place?"
I admire the big office. Great view of the city of Paris.
"It's my office. We won't take a lot of time here. I just want to take something."
He take two golden colour heart shaped pin. It's so cute.
"It's so cute. What it is for."
"It's a key."
"For what?"
"Key for entered every floor in this building."
"Really? Can I visit every floor in this building?!"
I ask exiting.
"Sure cupcake."

He take me to the evelator and go to the 29th floor. The building have 30 floors.

"This is the medical lab A."
"It's very big."
"Let's go inside. Before that, you need to wear this."
He give me a lab coat. I wear it.

"Here, we create new formula. Today we still finding AIDS formula."
"I can see that."
My stomach sounds. I didn't breakfast this morning. I feel very embarrassed.

Chapter 28

"You're hungry."
"I didn't take breakfast this morning."
He smile at my. He take me to his car.

"Let's get something."
I get into his car and he drove me to a cafe.
"What a nice place."
"I love the food here."
He pull the chair and ask me to sit down.

"En quoi puis-je t'aider?"
A waiter said something to him.
"Je veux deux toasts français, un grand demi-décaféiné, un café au lait, une sauce au caramel, avec du moka au chocolat blanc et ... Sarah, what coffee do you want?"
"I want an extra large decaf, vanilla, brewed coffee, 3 shots and add chips."
"Je veux un extra large décaféiné, de la vanille, du café infusé, 3 coups de feu et ajouter des chips."

He say to the waiter. The waiter go away.
"What did you order?"
"You will know."

20 minutes later, the waiter served us two French toast with berries on it.

"Oh my God."
"I know, it's look delicious. Wait until you taste it."
I took pictures of it before I eat it.
"Eat your food."
He told me. I smile and start to eat it. I have my first bite and it's so delicious and I eat it without talking until the plate is empty.

"You are hungry."
Aiden told me. I give him a gummy smile.
"Yeah, I'm hungry."
I take a sip of my coffee. I sip it slowly because it's extremely hot.

"Hey Aiden, do you miss your parents?"
"Yeah, I miss them a lot. Why you ask me that?"
"Hey, just tell me."
"I just wandering what is my parents look likes."
My tears dropped. I really want to meet them.
"Hey, listen. Sometimes, things that you lost doesn't come back. So you must be strong and life must go on. You understand, sweetheart?"
I nodded and his thumb wipes my tears off my face.

He take me into his arms and whisper to me,

"Everything is going to be okay. I love you."

Chapter 29

"If I can't get to know they look like, at least let me know how they die."
I told him with sniffing. He took a tissue and hold my nose.

"Blow your nose."
"Your hand will get dirty."
"I don't care."

I blow my nose. He wipe it and throw the tissue away.

"Hey, I have some idea. We can discuss it at your place. Is that okay?"
I nodded my head. He took my to his car and ride me home.

"Do you have earphones or anything?"
"You can borrow my earbuds."
I take it from his hand and connect it with my phone. I really need music in this time. I love listening to Diamond Heart by Alan Walker.

Aiden's POV…

We're arrived at the apartment building. I was going to get Sarah out from the car.

"My cutie is sleeping."
I carry her to her apartment. Her door not locked?! I told her to lock her door everytime we going out. I took her inside and put her on the sofa and wait her to wake up.

20 minutes later…

"Aiden, Aiden, wake up."
Sarah woke me up. I wake up looking at her.
"What is your idea?"
"You just awake?"
"No, I woke up ten minutes ago, you look tired so I let you sleep for ten minutes."
"It's very nice of you cutie."
"I know."

"My idea is how about we find you Aunt and maybe she can tell us about your parents."
"Oh my God…. I didn't thinking about that! You're a genius!"
I'm happy she like my idea.
"So when we can start?"
"Next week. Tomorrow I have to go to Golden Heart University to give a speech to all examination participants and I want you come with me."
"Sure, what should I wear?"
"You can wear formal clothing for motivational event."
"I have that."
"Great, see you tomorrow morning sweetheart. Be strong."
I left a kiss on her head before heading to my apartment.

I want her to give the speech tomorrow.

Chapter 30

Sarah's POV…

It's 7 in the morning, I am getting ready for the event. It think I'm going to wear black coat and office style skirt. Maybe red ribbon would fit with it.

I didn't think about what shoe should I wear. Black or red? Boots or heels? Maybe black boots?

"Sarah, are you ready?"
"Aiden,come in. I need your help!"
Aiden rush into my closet and asking my what happened.
"What happened?!"
"I need your help with choosing what shoe should I wear."
"You wearing black cloth and red ribbon. Black boots will be fine with it."
"Thanks. I'm ready."
"Let's go or we will be late."

We take the evelator to the lobby. Aiden just going to open his car.

"Aiden, stop!"
"I have long time not using my car. It can be broken."
"Okay, we use your car."
"I drive!"

We get into my car. I started the engine and drive to the Golden Heart University.

I drive very fast. We arrived 10 minutes later.

"We're here."
"Let's go."

We get inside. Many people look at us. Then, there's a man come to us.

"Mr. Green and Miss…"
"Mr. Green and Miss Benjamin please follow me to the back stage."

We follow the man to the back stage. The stage is very huge. Thousand of students is there. Aiden didn't see nervous.

"Aren't you nervous?"
"No, are you?"
"Why would I? I'm not the one who will give the speech to them."
"You going to give the speech to them."
"Yes you going to motivate them."
"How can I do that?!"
"Just relax, you a owner of your company right? You're the boss. You supposed to be ready for anything."
"Can I use your script?"
"What script?"
"You don't have a script?!"
"I just be me when I giving a speech."

(Next, I will invite Miss Sarah Benjamin for giving her speech. Please welcome.)

"You can do it sweetheart."

He kiss my head and I go on the stage. Thousand of students is watching me.

"Hello and a very good morning to the host, Mr. Aiden Green, the owner of the Golden Heart company and to all of you. How are you feeling today?"


All the students answered my question. I look at Aiden. He give me a breathing sign. So I just breathe.

"I have known from Mr. Aiden Green that you all going to answer your final examination. When I look at all of you, I can see that you have big opportunity to success. If there's some of you that want to give up, I want to tell you a story. I was a homeless child. I have nothing. No parents, no money, just nothing. Then there's a pair of husband and wife adopted me. They take care of me till today. "

Without I realize, my tears dropped.

"They loves me so much. They're not a rich couple, so I want to return their favor with a luxury life and they got what I want to give them. I have a company. Who knows Red Ribbons? That's my company. You can get a much more better life than mine. I don't want to talk much, so that's all what I want to say. Thank you."

All the students claps their hands. I get back to the back stage and hugged Aiden.

"You did well, cutie."

(Thank you for the speech. Now, I will invite Mr. Aiden Green to give a speech. Please welcome.)

"Hello to all students of Golden Heart University. How do you think about her speech? Do you know who is she? She is my girlfriend. Back to the topic. You will have an examination….."

I really can't wait to know who is my parents…

Chapter 31

3 days later…

"Aiden, we going to find my aunt right?"
"Yes, sweetheart. Actually, we don't need to find her because I already know her."
"What?!!! How?!"
"Do you remember the girl that welcome us to my company?"
"Yeah, I remember. She's beautiful."
"She's you Aunt."
"She's your mother's sister. Congratulations. We going to know about your parents."

I'm speechless. I'm so happy. I hugged him and thank him.

"Thank you."
"Your welcome. Wipe your tears and let's go to the meeting place."
"Why you call it meeting place?"
I asking and laughed.
"We going to discuss right?"
I take his hand and get into his car. We're not wasting anytime.

20 minutes later, we arrived at Mc Donald's. I'm going to get a chicken burger!

"Can I have chicken burger?"
"Sure, sweetheart. Can you buy me a double chocolate chips cookies and the coffee section and a cup of black coffee."

I'm go to get what Aiden and me order. I order a set of chicken burger. I have Sprite because it's already night and it's the night when the first snow fall.

I get to Aiden's table and saw a girl with him. The girl that he told me. Is she my aunt?

"Hey Aiden, I got your order. You are…."
I ask the woman's name.
"I'm Lucy Benjamin. Your aunt. I miss you Sarah."
"Oh my God."
She stand up and give me a nice friendly hug.
I hug her back and sit down and enjoy my burger. After finish my food, I finally can get focus on their conversation or what Aiden called it 'discussion'.

"So Sarah, your mother's name is Emily Benjamin. Your father name is Christopher Benjamin. Your father died five years ago."
"How about my mother?"


Her phone rings. Is my mother still alive or she's already died?! I need to know!!!

"Sarah, we need to go to the Eiffle Tower now."
"Someone want to meet you there."
"You will know."

"Let's go Sarah."