Magic Wizards Ep 4: Drama Rama (Part 5)
Today's Read: Filled with even more arguing and not getting along with the mystery in the middle this time. Can Quincy and Rascals get Rj and Rege to out aside their problems for once?! Also a little friendship starting up for two Police Officers. If you wanna understand the story more please go back to the previous episodes. Let the story continue.
Ep 4: Drama Rama
It was finally lunch time. The middle of the day in which Quincy was glad of. He had invited Rj and Rege over to the table they usually sat at. Except, they each didn't expected to see each other. He had told them both that he was only inviting them alone. When Rj approached the table Rege was already sitting with Quincy and his face quickly changed.
"I thought you said I was going to sit alone with you liar." Rege immediately said when he saw Rj.
"Liar? You shouldn't even be using that word." he replied back with an ugly attitude.